Title: Interstice Author: kageygirl Rating: G Category: Gen (McKay/Sheppard if you squint) Spoilers: "The Storm", "Siege 2", minor implied for S2 Summary: The space between.
*must not make tasteless joke about "hidey holes"* *must not make tasteless joke about "hidey holes"* *must not make tasteless joke about "hidey holes"*
Saturday. In Southie, at the docks, there was a sign, I kid you not, that said "Glory Hole--Point 10." The Boy and I just kept looking at each other like, "You're seeing that too, right?"
And I like that John is willing to share his hidey-hole with Rodney.
*must not make tasteless joke about "hidey holes"*
*must not make tasteless joke about "hidey holes"*
Good thing I didn't call it a 'bolt hole' then....
And unlike some people, I didn't go right to the naughty place. Not until they had to point it out...
Thanks, kyr!
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