Voyage of the Wraith Hunter (Twitter challenge)

Aug 19, 2010 18:54

Title: Voyage of the Wraith Hunter
Author: friendshipper
Rating: PG or so
Pairing: former Teyla/Kanaan is implied; current John/Teyla (very background)
Word Count: 3200
Summary: "We always thought you were a legend," the Traveler captain says. Takes place ten years or so post-canon. Based on this, of course.
Notes: Kind of post-apocalyptic. Some character ( Read more... )

author: friendshipper

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Comments 59

kazbaby August 20 2010, 03:20:52 UTC
Wow! This was really really good. I love the little details that I hadn't expected peppered throughout the story.


sholio August 20 2010, 03:33:25 UTC
Thank you! I'm very glad you enjoyed it. :D


perspi August 20 2010, 03:28:01 UTC
That is bittersweet, and twisty, and heartclenching, and wonderful. I love that John catalogs and keeps track of all the ways their lifestyle has changed them, I love that Ronon and John have stayed together as brothers-in-arms, and yes, I even love the surprises you threw in there.



sholio August 20 2010, 03:34:33 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm not entirely sure how this ended up going to such a heart-twisting place, but I'm very glad you enjoyed it and that you were willing to come along for the whole roller-coaster ride!


vipersweb August 20 2010, 04:00:06 UTC
Lots of fun. I like the hints we get of their life in Pegasus. Also, I thought it interesting that Rodney betrayed them and Jennifer came with them. Nice twist. Glad John finally acknowledges at least to himself, what Teyla means to him, even if he won't act on it.


sholio August 20 2010, 04:36:35 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I might have been too subtle with John and Teyla's situation ... the general idea is that they are sleeping together, but they're at a point in their lives when neither one of them is able to settle down with the other, so they have a sort of non-committed long-distance thing going.


sgafan August 20 2010, 04:02:04 UTC
Wow! The whole story is great but I think the last line tugged at me more than anything:

"John looks around the table at his companions. He will not see peace in his lifetime, he knows, even if he does manage to live to an old age - which he doubts. But this is what he fights for, what he's always fought for: these moments of peace and tranquility, with good food and conversation and laughter. It's the life he's chosen - in the Air Force, on Atlantis, and now in the Wraith Hunter - and he doesn't regret a damn thing."

That is just... wow. So John Sheppard.

Lovely work! I love the detail! :D


sholio August 20 2010, 04:38:16 UTC
Thank you; I'm glad you liked it, and I'm happy that John's voice came through!


ninja007 August 20 2010, 05:51:30 UTC
This was incredibly good! Very well written. As usual.

Loved this. It's a keeper!!


sholio August 20 2010, 13:04:49 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!


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