Title: Mutual of Atlantis' Wild Kingdom
Author: Brindel
Rating: G
Category: gen
Spoilers: None
Summary: John watches all his geeks.
Notes: Written lickity-spilt for the sga_flashfic ‘voyeurism’ challenge 'cause I double-dog dared myself to. Unbetaed due to cowardice.
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He suddenly had the feeling he study of the 'Behavior Of the Feral Geek in his Natural Habitat" was about to become one of his new favorite pastimes
Wonder if John could do a doctoral thesis on that......
*pictures Shep as the Geek Hunter*
Crickey! Here's a frisky little fella. Now I'm gonna sneak up on him and try to shove this chocolate bar down his throat....
Note to self: Do not read comments and eat pizza at the same time. Durn near choked to death!
Steve Erwin after a Wraith. THAT would be a Animal Planet Special I'd pay to see...
*grins widely*
*grins widely*
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