ADMIN: A Picture's Worth 1000 Words Challenge

Jun 03, 2009 19:30

I think I'm finally coping well enough to close the Coping Mechanism Challenge. You can read 13 stories: 10 on Livejournal and 3 on Dreamwidth.

New challenge (to minimize cross-posting) RIGHT HERE:

Prrreesenting: the A Picture's Worth 1000 Words Challenge

enviropony asked for a Picture challenge: Give words to a picture, whether it's a screen cap from SGA, or an image of something totally unrelated. Describe an image that a character has, or creates, or sees in someone else's possession. Attach a story to the pictures in Rodney's quarters, or the painting Ronon took from Sateda, or tell us what Lorne did with the one he was working on during "Sunday."

To be clear, this is not an art challenge: all submissions should feature words, but you can submit words PLUS a picture (screencaps, art, etc) or words ABOUT a picture (meaning a story about an image, a photograph, a painting.) You don't have to give us a thousand words, but all entries must feature some words.

Today's June 3rd; this challenge will run until at least June 17th at midnight.

challenge: a picture's worth 1000 words, admin

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