Strangest Day by Kartano (crossing challenge)

Feb 11, 2009 18:10

Title: Strangest Day
Author: Kartano
Rating: Can we get lower than G?
Word Count: Short.  Very short.
Spoilers: You might want to know how Enemy at the Gate ends.  None otherwise.
Note: A few things to realize:
a) This is my first foray into SGA fanfiction.  More correctly, my first foray into fanfiction in general.  That's probably why the characters don't even show up. >.> I tried.  They resisted being written.
b) This is totally a crossover.  Random peoples' lives are totally fandoms.
c) Utterly unbeta'd, but I've got my trusty spell check by my side.  As well, there are several purposeful grammatical errors, as I was trying to imitate how people talk and mostly failed.   Yeah.
d) This is probably longer than the actual fic. o3o
Summary: Things happen.  Er.  This is hard.

The weirdest thing happened last week.

I was just heading over to San Francisco for a weekend trip, and a good friend had promised me a trip out on his boat in the Bay, since I'd asked him the last time around and he'd refused.  (All right, I didn't exactly ask.  More like nag, but that's beside the point.)  So in any case, I was just going over there, and this crazy military guy goes and stops us and tells us that, oh, the WHOLE ENTIRE BAY is closed because of some order from the President and some General O'Something or other, and I was all like, "Is this some part of Obama's stimulus plan or something, closing down the whole bay?" and the military guy just stares at me like I'm some sort of idiot, which I totally am not.

Anyways, what kind of military division goes around closing down important tourist attractions and trading ports for no apparent reason?  The ones that go around chasing aliens and legends like Atlantis?

author: kartano, challenge: crossing

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