Title: The Nastiest Thing In The Nicest Way
Author: kiku65
Pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Depressingness, AU
Summery: The Milky Way had been tempting, but eventually it was decided that Pegasus would be easier to conquer.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
He thinks this as he stands alone; the others that journeyed with him are far behind, waiting, watching. Ranking them are scores of the strange new invaders, surrounding him are scores more, all weapons charged and ready for use. In front of him their leader stands.
She smiles at him.
Acid wells in his throat. He smiles back.
Once he would not, but once is no more. He is here to kill what had once been and usher in what will be. It is all he can do for himself, his kind. The only way to save them; by smiling, fawning, obeying. Become monsters for the new gods.
Oh, but it was a clever idea of this gloating, dark-haired female. A clever, simple idea. Promise protection, redemption, cleansing of his kind from the skies. Their ships had burnt his own, those crews that were caught ‘exorcised’ in front of thousands, doused in holy water before ignited with flaming oils. Demons to be purified with fire, consigned to hell.
Then the proposition, the offer of mercy. Holy flame needed darkness to set it in relief. Shadows for light. Monsters for gods.
He had agreed, and it is bitter, bitter, but he would do it again, a thousand times over, to ensure the survival of his own. He is their leader. It is up to him to save them. No matter what the cost. Monsters to the gods...
The Wraith who could have been Todd raises his eyes, and wonders where the line is drawn between the two.
He meets the gaze of the Orici, then bows his head.
And kneels.