Ancestor's Gift by cat_77 [Kidfic Challenge]

Oct 15, 2008 15:11

Title: Ancestor’s Gift
Length: 1000 words (1011 with titles)
Genre: Gen, Kidfic
Rating: PG-13 for language
Spoilers: Season 5 Teyla
Synopsis: Ten Drabbles about how the Pegasus Galaxy can screw up your life for the better.
Warnings: Kids, MPreg
Disclaimer: Not mine, they belong to people with far more money than me. I’m just borrowing them to play and making no profit from this.



“Get off me, you oaf!” McKay griped, pushing at the man currently pinning him to the floor.

“Way to be thankful to the man who just saved your life,” Sheppard said wryly, offering Ronon a hand up and away from the still bitching scientist. He got a bit concerned when the larger man wavered for a moment, shaking his head as if to clear it. “You okay there, big guy?”

“Yeah, fine,” Ronon grunted, steadying himself.

“There was no risk,” McKay insisted, taking the offered hand while brushing himself off.

That was, of course, when Ronon hurled all over everything.

Pregnancy Test

“You’re kidding, right?” Sheppard asked, eyes darting between the doctor and the Satedan currently curled up into a small ball.

“I’m afraid not,” Keller replied, shaking his head. “All the scans confirm it and, according to the database, it’s not that odd of thing. It’s possible this device was in relatively widespread use during the Ancient’s day.”

“I told you there was no risk!” Rodney exclaimed, clearly vindicated. “The thing was covered with the Ancient equivalent of Life, Love and Fluffy Bunnies!”

Sheppard’s response was cut off by Ronon on the bed. “Could be worse,” he grunted. “Could’ve hit McKay.”


“He’s going to keep it?” Rodney asked, aghast.

“Apparently he sees it as a gift from the Ancestors and something he can’t refuse,” Sheppard replied, making a face to express his thoughts on the whole thing.

“The biologists are going to have a field day with him,” Rodney commented, shoving a bite of sandwich into his mouth.

“You really think anyone is dumb enough to come between him and his unborn child?” John countered.

“Point,” McKay conceded. He seemed to think for a bit before asking, “So where do you think we can find leather maternity clothes in his size?”


“You have been blessed,” Teyla insisted, cradling her own child against her hip.

“Thought so too, at first,” Ronon replied, hand unconsciously drifting to his slightly bulging belly. “But it’s... uncomfortable.”

Teyla smiled knowingly, shifting Torren slightly. “Pregnancies are rarely easy, but the rewards are well worth it.”

“I know,” he sighed, picking at his food. Ever since the announcement was made throughout the city, he was rarely lacking for nourishment. “The Ancestor’s chose me, and I should feel like it’s an honor, but after everything we’ve seen... I think they were kind of fucked up.”

Teyla nodded in understanding.


“Look, big guy,” Sheppard started, pausing as he realized how apt a description it truly was. “I know you’re feeling antsy but, really, you need to sit this one out.”

“I’m fine,” Ronon insisted petulantly, trying to fit his holster around his hips. They were bigger, again. He was not going to cry. Crying was forbidden in the armory.

“There are supposed to be Wraith everywhere,” Sheppard pointed out once again. “I’d feel better knowing you, and the baby, were safe. We can go in and rescue Lorne and his team just fine, really we can.”

Ronon pouted. This sucked.


“So, have you decided how this... baby... is going to come out?” Sheppard asked from his infirmary bed. The mission had not gone as smoothly as hoped.

Ronon levered himself up from the nearby chair, ignoring a hovering nurse’s offer of assistance. He had a check up in twenty minutes. “Boy or girl, whatever their choices, I’ll support them,” he declared.

“I’m just saying he or she might not fit out the usual way, you know, for birthing?” Sheppard shrugged, wincing at the movement.

Ronon paused mid-step, color visibly draining from his face. “I need to go talk to Keller.”


It had been Rodney’s idea to throw a baby shower, shocking them all. “Oh, come on,” he waved them off. “It’s not like the guy’s got a lot of supplies for a kid. Really, how many knives can a baby have?”

So, roughly eight months after the device first made Ronon a Daddy-Momma as Cadman had taken to calling him, he was sitting in the cafeteria, surrounded by blankets and diapers and more toys than he knew what to do with.

When McKay himself laid an intricate metal and wood crib at his swollen feet, he simply had no words.


“I don’t like this,” Ronon grunted, trying to ignore the way his stomach felt like it was rippling from the inside out.

“You’re not supposed to,” John consoled him.

Teyla tossed him a look before soothingly adding, “You are doing fine.”

“Keller is on her way,” McKay reported. They had gotten to the infirmary first in all their rush.

He realized he was in his usual bed about the same time he realized the Ancient device was still at its side, and was now glowing. A flash of light later, and a baby lay where his stomach had been. “Huh.”


“What are you going to call her?” Keller asked, having finished all her checks and depositing the healthy little girl back into his arms.

“Elizabeth Melena Roana Dex,” he replied, marveling at her perfect little curls and her tiny little fists.

“It’s a good name,” John nodded, voice heavy with emotion. Ronon understood it completely.

Rodney held up his hand and asked, “So, are we taking bets on when she gets her first dreads?”

Teyla rolled her eyes and brought her curious son over to see the new arrival, bending to whisper, “See, Torren, you have a future sparring partner.”


The halls echoed with laughter and the patter of little feet, scientists and Marines alike knowing to get out of the way of the oncoming storm. The team was returning from a meet and greet and paused to greet a different type of delegation.

Torren led the way, with Lizzie, Patrick, and Johannes only steps behind. “How are our little malfunctions?” Rodney asked, whisking Johannes up into his arms.

“Because that’s not going to cause a lifetime of therapy,” John muttered, prying Patrick off his calf hoisting him high.

“They seem fine to me,” Ronon commented, knowing they truly were.



Feedback is always welcomed.

author: cat_77, challenge: kidfic

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