Hunters by cat_77 [Kidfic Challenge]

Oct 10, 2008 05:57

Title: Hunters
Author: cat_77
Length: ~ 820 words
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Season: Season 5 Search and Rescue (mild spoiler)
Synopsis: “Let me tell you of the Hunters...”
Author’s Notes: For the sga_flashfic Kidfic Challenge.
Disclaimer: Not mine, they belong to people with far more money than I have. I am simply borrowing them to play and making no profit from this.


“Tell us again of the Hunters,” Halling pleaded, folding his long legs in front of him before Teyla had even reached her own cushion.

She frowned on general principle. She and he were barely half a cycle different in age yet, as of this season, he was nearly a full head taller than her, a fact he used ruthlessly to his advantage at every turn. She had barely gathered her tea and sweet breads and he was already settled in one of the prime spots for the evening tale, getting his request in long before anyone else even had a chance.

Her father had told her to give it time, but she seriously doubted it would make that great of a difference. She was smaller, and may always be so. Quicker, yes, but Halling’s long stride more than made up for that when he wished it to do so. The nights of stories and sweets were more than enough reason for him to press the advantage. Narrowing her eyes, she promised to make it up to him at the next practice, where she used their size difference to her own gain, sneaking in to exploit any opening he inadvertently exposed, and taking him out time and time again. She idly wondered if that is why he chose tonight’s topic, knowing how it affected her sleep. Perhaps she should have let him win that seventh round.

It was not that she did not like hearing of the Hunters, it was just all the stories appeared to ultimately end in their deaths; something that was not always pleasant to have in mind as one was preparing for rest. She preferred the tales of the great leaders: clever enough to send their people to safety, yet strong enough to be willing to stand up to the Wraith themselves when needed. Those tales she felt had far more bearing on their future lives than those of mythical warriors whose likelihood of existing ranked right up there with the so-called “Runners” Halling also loved to hear about.

Looking around, she saw it was too late, the other children were already nodding enthusiastically and adding their entreaties to the patient Charin to tell them yet another gruesome story of vengeance and fortitude. She reluctantly saw the merit in believing there were those out there brave enough to challenge their worse enemy, and survive long enough to share the experience. It gave hope, and perhaps comfort, that a loved one who had been culled may still be out there, fighting the Great Fight.

Resigning herself to the possibility of a less than peaceful night, she readied herself to focus on the words and the meanings behind them. Her father always found a way to happen across the subject during their shared meal the next morning, and she needed to be prepared to answer the inevitable questions.

Sipping at her tea, she let Charin’s soft voice wash over her, “Let me tell you of the Hunters...”


Many cycles later, on a planet far from the one she grew up on, she remembered those words, the lessons behind those tales. Gazing down at her infant son, she knew with deadly certainty just what she would be willing to do to ensure his safety. Should any harm come to him, or to any one of the people she proudly called family, she knew she would hunt down the perpetrators to the ends of the galaxy, and perhaps beyond.

Throughout her years with the Lanteans, she had learned of the vulnerabilities of their greatest enemies, and how to exploit them to limit their numbers, to cost them what they had spent so many millennia costing the innocent humans. These were not the traits she had strived for as a child.

She had been proud the first time she had returned to the Athosian settlement, leaned against the makeshift doorway with Halling at her side, and listened to Marta tell the gathered children the tales of the great leaders of their people. When her own name was mentioned, she looked to her old friend in surprise. He had simply shrugged and assured her that she had earned it.

More recently, as the Athosians attempted to settle in a new environment once more, she had heard her name mentioned in a different light. Gone was the description of the careful and protective leader and in its place stood the harsh truth of the reality. She and her team, her friends, destroyed those who had destroyed so many, killed those who would kill countless others, hobbled a great empire before it could control the masses once more.

And they lived to tell the tale.

Adjusting the blanket just so, she placed a protective hand across her child’s chest, feeling his heart beat full of life and promise. Ever so softly, she whispered, “Let me tell you of the Hunters...”



Feedback is always welcomed.

author: cat_77, challenge: kidfic

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