While Waiting on the Gate by Helen W. (Comfort Challenge)

Sep 10, 2008 19:24

Title: While Waiting on the Gate
Author: Helen W. (wneleh)
Characters: Team (gen)
Rating: G
Spoilers: The Shrine (5x06)
Word count: ~1,500
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: What happened while the team was, yk, waiting on that gate.

While Waiting on the Gate )

author: wneleh, challenge: comfort

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Comments 50

erda_3 September 10 2008, 23:42:18 UTC
I very much like the way you've given Teyla some logical character development.


wneleh September 11 2008, 00:11:37 UTC
Thanks! I don't know whether it's my imagination or not, but she's seemed slightly more physical this season.


incidental_fire September 10 2008, 23:50:39 UTC
Very sweet. I loved Teyla's inner monologue, and the image of Rodney curled up on her lap while they're sitting on the stargate.


wneleh September 11 2008, 00:11:05 UTC
Thanks! That image has been stuck in my head for several days; I'm going to miss it, now that I've written it.


wraithfodder September 11 2008, 00:09:03 UTC
Lovely little fic :)


wneleh September 11 2008, 00:10:25 UTC


kehleyr September 11 2008, 00:49:56 UTC
Well I enjoyed this! When I saw the episode I sort of felt that I wanted more of when they were stuck out there... so this was very nice to read :-D!


wneleh September 11 2008, 10:12:53 UTC

I could happily write nothing but The Shrine comfort moments for the next six months. And they'd be canonically plausible! Thank you, show!

- Helen


inocciduous September 11 2008, 01:05:03 UTC
N'aww! What a fantastic little episode-insert! I love the way you stretch Teyla's new mother role into everything else she does, too. And John recognized it too!! XD

Also: If you care In Rodney's current position, he would not be able to shallow anything. "shallow" should probably be "swallow." *g*


wneleh September 11 2008, 01:13:32 UTC
Thanks, and thanks for the catch! I'd never have spotted that myself.

- Helen


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