Title: Going Green
Author: R. Tom Mato
Rating: G
Characters: Katie, Rodney
Word Count: 278
Spoilers: Before Quarantine.
Summary: Katie makes a "wish."
She really hadn't meant for this to happen. The description--and she had been *really careful* in translating it--had said it was a learning device, an aid in understanding. She just wanted her and Rodney to have more in common and more to talk about. If she could understand more about astrophysics and if he'd just give botany *half* a chance than they'd be better for it.
She hadn't expected *this* to happen.
"I think the corn-hybrid is going to do really well on the mainland, almost as good as the wheat-hybrid I engineered during our first year here," Rodney was explaining with an enthusiasm he used to display when describing some hard-earned achievement with the Ancient defense systems in Atlantis. His hands were encased in thick green gardner's gloves and there were streaks of dirt up his arms and a couple on his forehead--probably from where he wiped the sweat away. And he was sweaty; his blue science t-shirt clung to his skin and his face was flushed a dark pink from being away all day on the mainland with the Athosians. "Soon we'll have corn on the cob. I *love* corn on the cob."
A couple of science team members from engineering passed them, one rolling his eyes and muttering "botanists" in a dismissive tone she had heard all too often.
But now Rodney turned, eyes narrowing. "Yeah, you just remember who keeps you grease monkeys *fed* around here!" he shouted after them. He huffed and looked back at her.
He was grinning, and she found herself unable to keep from grinning back.
She hadn't meant for this to happen, but it wasn't necessarily a *bad* thing.