Fic: Diplomacy, Role Reversal challenge

Aug 03, 2008 13:33

Title: Diplomacy
Author: beatgeek
Word count: 1700
Summary: Dr. Rodney McKay, the Pegasus Galaxy's most culturally sensitive negotiator. Or maybe not.

What, he said, is a 'Neanderthal'?... )

author: beatgeek, challenge: role reversal

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Comments 13

electricdesire August 3 2008, 20:28:39 UTC
Very nice! You had a double role-reversal here, with Rodney and Teyla's usual jobs switched up, then the traditional gender roles switched. I like the language you used to describe the harem - particularly when you compared them to "a flock of particularly stupid and unusually loud seagulls at a dumpster." I giggled.


emeraldsword August 3 2008, 20:30:04 UTC
I liked this. Rodney's POV was a good choice - I love the line "I have spoken to--" because it made me feel simultaneously amused and sorry for him. Personally, I think Rodney tends to see people as brains first and bodies second (if at all) - I mean, Allina was a case in point, though obviously his behaviour towards Sam in that episode where he was in the cave with her and Keller is pretty coarse - so I don't think that misogyny would be really his thing (though I'm quite prepared to accept it from John) but of course he'd fear that it could be, and that people might think that it was a part of him. That one line played very nicely on all of his insecurities, and the last line is also very good.

Starting in the middle was a good choice as well - it gave the ending more of a punch. Rodney's obliviousness to the real situation makes me feel for him even more, because it does draw parallels between him and the men he is yelling at, just as it highlights his weakness, social interaction.

I really enjoyed this, well done.


fish_echo August 4 2008, 01:44:40 UTC
I ditto pretty much everything said above, since emeraldsword was all coherent & thinky & such, which I am not so much.

Lovely story, well done!


astrochelonian August 3 2008, 20:42:52 UTC
This was very amusing and a great twist.


sihayab August 3 2008, 21:08:45 UTC

I love this! Excellent switcheroo. ::snigger::


burntcopper August 3 2008, 23:21:34 UTC
oh, *nice* switch.


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