Volunteer, by kyrdwyn [Voyeurism Challenge]

May 07, 2005 20:39

Title: Volunteer
Author: kyrdwyn
Rating: PG
Category: Gen, with het undertones
Spoiler: None
Summary: Ford would be much easier to shove than Sheppard.
Author's Notes: First time posting to sga_flashfic. I blame kageygirl for getting me into this. No beta.


Rodney McKay reminded himself that the next time villagers asked his team to take part in a ritual, he needed to be standing behind Ford, just enough so that he could push the younger man forward as a volunteer. Ford would be much easier to shove than Sheppard.

As it was, Rodney had been 'volunteered' by the unfortunate contact between his left foot and a large tree root, causing him to stumble. That had put him forward of the rest of the team, and the Chrissarri had taken that as Rodney's eagerness to stand with their chief's daughter at her wedding. It was considered an honor to take the place of the chief as he presided over his daughter's marriage.

Of course, that part had been easy. No one had told him of the traditional ceremony afterward, when the bride and groom were escorted to their new hut by the chief, the groom's mother, and the bride's father. The bride and groom then proceeded to consummate their marriage while the other three remained in the hut, behind a special screen to preserve privacy, until dawn.

But what Rodney couldn't see, he could imagine all too well from the noises of the enthusiastic couple. While the chief and the groom's mother didn't seem all to bothered by the sounds of sex, Rodney was horribly embarrassed. It was a good thing the candles were on the other side of the screen, otherwise his companions would see him blushing like mad.

As a particularly ecstatic scream sounded, Rodney closed his eyes and considered the equations for boosting power to the naquadah generators, the plans to build another Jumper, and the theory Radek had put forward on recharging a ZPM. When a long groan from the other side of the screen interrupted his thoughts, Rodney knew that he was definitely volunteering Ford for the next alien wedding ceremony. Although with Rodney's luck, he'd have to watch Ford participate in the alien version of droit de seignor.

He banged his head against the wall at that mental image and fervently wished for dawn to arrive and release him from this special corner of hell.

challenge: voyeurism, author: kyrdwyn

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