I am charmed by
crooked-halo8's suggestion of an 'Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral' Challenge; as she notes, there's "a plethora of ways to take this one! Crazy alien not!animals? Rodney's cat? Harvest festivals? Coma patient? ZPM materials? Atlantis materials? A game of 20 questions? The possibilities
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The Famous Name Challenge! This can be taken many ways - do the Lanteans encounter trouble offworld because their names are famous/infamous/homophonic with that culture's curse words? Is there a futurefic out there where McKay finally receives a Nobel Prize and the global (Earthly) accolades he craves? Does a famous name visit Atlantis (from Pegasus or Milky Way) and everyone is excited/scared/clueless?
But as fun as that might be, the original inspiration for this idea was the similarities between the characters' names and real-life famous people. For instance, did young John Sheppard ever get to meet Alan Shepard, Jr., the first American in space? Was Jennifer Keller inspired by Helen Keller's life struggles? Is Elizabeth a fan of Australian film director Peter Weir, or Radek a fan of Czech footballer Lukas Zelenka? And has anyone ever described to Ronon what a Japanese ronin is?
This might actually be two challenges - a Name Challenge and a Famous People Challenge - but I leave it up to you to decide. Thanks!
-Pansy Chubb (aka LilRicki)
This is really inventive; I like this. Maybe the Name-Dropping challenge or something!!
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