Title: The World is Flat (and 4 other reasons McKay hates globalization)
gemmi999Rating: PG-13 for language
Pairing: GEN
Word Count: 1270
Author's Note: Because I'm fairly sure I'm on crack
Summary: Sometimes, McKay dreams about going back in time, if only to disable the Zed PM before he and the others traveled through the Stargate.
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Comments 25
And hex you, author, for even daring to write about banning coffee. From your keyboard to the Devil's ears...
Rodney couldn't stay in Pegasus--I tried hinting at that, but I'm not sure I was successful. They were finished, and it was time to come home.
And yes, hex the author for even daring to mention the possibility of someday in the future banning coffee. I'm allergic to caffeine, so it isn't that big a deal to me...
I like this combination of Rodney's story with this wider picture of what the Earth has become--implications too of "was it worth protecting?"
Trying to kill off Wraith Queens and Replicator strong-holds the only way they knew how.
I wanted to hint that the world had changed, and the people within it had changed as well. The entire team wasn't killed off, but they weren't the same people that to Rodney, that's as good as being alone.
And yes--I was trying to question if it was worth protecting. At what point do you fight the fight that needs to be fought, versus the fighting the fight your ideals lets you fight. There's a fine line, and once you've crossed it--does the rest of the battle even matter?
This rocked.
Who is this Francis Fukuyama? Should I read some of his stuff?
Thanks for reading!
Great story, I really felt the emotions he felt. My only nitpick is that 'speakeasy's' doesn't have an apostrophe :) You can just add the s onto the end.
If only he could find a damn Coffee Bean, then things would get better.
Somehow, I don't think coffee would make much difference. Poor Rodney.
Interesting (and frightening) future you've created there.
The future is frightening, both in this fanfic, and in the real world. There are some serious issues that need to be addressed, and I wanted to bring that sense of desperation to the fanfic.
And, while coffee might not fix everything, Rodney really like's his dream. And sometimes, dreams are all that let people live their lives. Hoping for a different future.
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