Title: Second Siege Author: americanleaguer Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: R Word count: 7,626 Notes: Non-explicit mention of Ronon/Keller. Warning for minor character death. Yes, the tense shifts are intentional.
He can't do anything; without a fight or a 'jumper to fly, he has so little to offer Atlantis. He can't even keep his own team from being hurt or from going hungry. But this, giving this to McKay, putting this gasping, blissful look on his face-- Sheppard can do this. He has this to give.
Oh. Oh, JOHN.
And I ache for Ronon, with Keller gone! :-(
I like the sense you've created here of what it would really be like if the city were under siege.
Thanks. Those eps titled 'the Siege'... maybe it was the necessarily compressed format of the show, but it didn't really seem like an actual siege to me, y'know? More like a ton of preparations for a big battle. So I figured I'd use the challenge to get an actual siege in there.
Ha ha, jeez, people have asked that for every SGA fic I've written so far! I have an idea of where I wanted this particular storyline to go, but I wanted to end the story at this point, so there is an ending that you don't get here. I might write it at some point.
Do we know where Rodney went to college? If it was an American university I'll leave Cliff Notes in, but if it was a Canadian university I'll def. switch it to Coles Notes.
Northwestern? Southwestern? One of the screencappers managed to get it off his diplomas -- the wall of self congratulation. Being a Kiwi it's meaningless to me so I've forgotten which, but they're both in the States, right?
That said, FWIW this exact joke is canonically in the show. Rodney says Coles, John says WTF?, Rodney says Cliff, John says Why didn't you say so? Cracked me up, even though I have more copies of York notes than anything else.
Great story. The siege mentality really came through.
Northwestern's a very good school... not exactly the best engineering/science school, though. Hm, weird. Maybe they thought it'd be too typical to have him coming out of MIT or something. But yeah, that'd be in the US.
Ha ha, do you remember which episode? That's excellent. Honestly, I don't think I ever used any of the things, but a lot of my friends were devotees of Cliff Notes or Sparknotes.
Like the tension of it, endless desperation stretched out thin and worn. And the way John & Ronon are both feeding Rodney, and the lonely beauty of John's late-night swims, and how everyone's holding on and holding on to each other.
Comments 38
Oh. Oh, JOHN.
And I ache for Ronon, with Keller gone! :-(
I like the sense you've created here of what it would really be like if the city were under siege.
That was a big part of what I was going for, so, yay.
(Rodney, being Canadian would reference Coles, not Cliff, Notes.)
Do we know where Rodney went to college? If it was an American university I'll leave Cliff Notes in, but if it was a Canadian university I'll def. switch it to Coles Notes.
That said, FWIW this exact joke is canonically in the show. Rodney says Coles, John says WTF?, Rodney says Cliff, John says Why didn't you say so? Cracked me up, even though I have more copies of York notes than anything else.
Great story. The siege mentality really came through.
Ha ha, do you remember which episode? That's excellent. Honestly, I don't think I ever used any of the things, but a lot of my friends were devotees of Cliff Notes or Sparknotes.
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