Title: Exile
Season/Spoilers: Post SG-1, Season 4 of SGA
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: They all had their reasons.
Author’s Notes: For the Criminal challenge. The idea comes from a discussion with my loving partner. Triple Drabble (300 words).
Warnings: Mostly gen, hint of femslash.
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, people with a lot of money do. I’m just borrowing them to play in a non-profit sort of way.
Sheppard was there because of his black mark dating back to Afghanistan and history of disobeying orders he did not agree with. McKay was there because of that little science fair project he loved to brag about. Well, that and no one could get along with him for long periods of time without eventually pissing him off enough to threaten to build a nuclear device.
Zelenka was there because he backed the wrong government during a regime change. Kusanagi was there because her family had bought and blackmailed her way into all the best schools, grooming her brilliance for something the United Nations was afraid to dream of. Brown and Parrish here there after their new and interesting uses for household plants had left a senator’s son a living vegetable. Kavanagh was there because he was an ass.
Lorne was shipped there when contact was reestablished after screwing up a mission with the precious Doctor Jackson. Bates was there because his temper got the better of him with some inmates who were later proved to be innocent. Cadman was there because she was too smart for her own good. That, and she tended to resort to explosives in any given argument.
Beckett had been there due to some experiments not quite authorized by any medical corporations. Keller was sent for surprisingly similar reasons. Biro was there due to her rather freaky fascination with the dead.
What no one could figure out was why Carter, Golden Child of the SGC, was sent as the new leader of the rag tag group. Speculation ran wild, but there was no concrete confirmation. When Teyla caught her gazing longingly at a picture of a small woman in what she knew to be the markings of the medical staff, she began to get an idea.
Feedback is always welcomed.