Into the Wild Blue Yonder by Piplover (Fight or Flight Challenge)

Oct 13, 2007 23:48

Title:  Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Rating: PG-13 for language
Summary:  Sheppard takes McKay for a flight in an F-16


“You all right back there, Rodney?”

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my GOD, FLY THE PLANE!!”

“Relax, buddy, I have everything under control.  What say we go find a car and I can show you how fast we’re really going?”

“I  hate you so much!”

“You don’t really mean that.”

“Yes, yes I most emphatically do!  TREES!  WATCH FOR THE TREES!”

“For crying out loud, McKay, we were a good ten fee above them!”

“I saw bears, Sheppard!  I should not be seeing bears when I’m in an F-16!”

“Why the hell are you with me then?  If you didn’t want to go for a fly-along you just had to say so.”

“I did!  Oh, God, I’m going to be sick.”

“Don’t you dare puke, McKay.  That’s my spare mask, you know, and I do not need that kind of reminder of you every time I fly.”



“I really hate you.”


“So, Colonel, how did it go?  Any troubles with your passenger?”

“Nah, he was actually pretty good, didn’t even puke until we landed.  How you feeling now, McKay?”

“I am never, ever flying with you again!  Why did you let me do that?  I lost blood to my brain.  I need my brain.  You need my brain!  Fifteen seconds at nine Gs, Sheppard!  My ears touched!”

“But McKay, you get the shiny pin now.  See?  You belong to an exclusive club.”

“Bears, Sheppard.  I saw bears.  My ass is so clenched I doubt I’ll be able to shit for a month.”

“Lovely imagery Rodney.  Come on, you have to admit, that was pretty fucking cool, wasn’t it?  Well worth a little… um…”

“Absolute terror is the term you’re looking for.  And maybe it was a little cool.”

“I knew you’d love it.”

“Don’t push your luck.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.  Now, what say we get you home so I can show you just how much fun I had today?”

“I think I can manage that.  Oh, and John?”


“The next time you ask me to go for a spin in a shiny death trap?  I’m so kicking your ass.”

“I can live with that.”

author: piplover, challenge: fight or flight

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