Always Darkest, by Kimera

Apr 23, 2005 11:13

Title: Always Darkest
Category: Gen
Rating: PG, for a bad word. Oooh.
Spoilers: Siege II
Summary: Rodney McKay had always disliked clichés.
Notes: Wait, I wrote a fic and it's not about Shep? *Universe implodes*

Rodney McKay had always disliked clichés. Well, that wasn’t precisely true. He’d never given them much thought, really, until that one year in grad school where he’d dated an English major. She seemed to have some kind of moral objection to the idea of speaking like a normal person, because she was always doing something crazy like speaking in rhyme, or in haiku... once, she’d spent an entire week spouting nothing but clichés.

He’d ask her how she was doing, and she’d respond with “right as rain!” Every time he’d expressed frustration with the project he’d been working on, she would tell him, “mind over matter, Rodney.”

It had been a bit like trying to hold a conversation with a fortune cookie, and the whole incident had left him with a profound distaste for overused turns of phrase.

The one about blood running cold, for example. He’d hated that one most of all, simply because it was physically impossible. Then he’d come to the Pegasus Galaxy and met the Wraith. The first time he’d encountered one face-to-face, he found himself thinking that maybe whoever had come up with that ridiculous phrase got it right after all.

He’d even had the opportunity to play knight in shining armour, once. And okay, his armour had been a translucent green instead of the typical heroic white, but that wasn’t what was really important.

And now? Well, now Rodney found himself hoping that the saying “it’s always darkest before the dawn” had some truth in it as well, because with Wraith ships bearing down on them, Grodin and who know how many others dead, Ford and Teyla missing, and John Sheppard off doing his idiotic cowboy act, things were looking very fucking dark indeed.

challenge: darkness, author: kimera

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