-title- The Double Disappearance of Colonel Sheppard, Chapter Two
-author- Sophonisba (
-warnings- Gen. Silly. Fusion. Strong language. Humor relating to primary and secondary sexual characteristics. It shouldn't be necessary to read
Chapter One to enjoy this.
-timeframe- Takes place during second season, sort of, after "Epiphany."
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Comments 35
Are you planning on writing more? Just so you know - I'm tracking your 'dinosaur' tag. Not that I'm begging for more or anything. *g*
Thank you once again!
*giggles* Poor Sheppard - I assume he thinks either that Cadman's pregnant or that she has two oddly matched tumors on her upper chest?
I also loved the discussion about whether Ronon's a neanderthal or not, and the Saurian equivalent of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"! I'm definitely looking forward to more of this story as it turns up *g*!
As for Neanderthals, I kind of wish the show would do a planet seeded with Neanderthal man or something -- it's not as if it'd take that much makeup if you hired actors who sort of matched the phenotype, and it would be an interesting variation.
And the other -- okay, so we have numerous species of intelligent being instead of humans, how's that going to affect the culture?
Thank you for all your kind comments!
I am looking forward to the conclusion of this - not to mention the respective Elizabeths' reactions.
BTW, the last three paragraphs are underlined for some reason.
I'm working on the third chapter now, so...
And Elizabeth -- I keep thinking of the last panel of the one isaymckay strip where Elizabeth's like "Lorne, new mission: find me some Scotch."
That's a really cute icon, by the way.
And thanks for the heads-up; fixed!
Thank you!
::Is helpful::
I found an odd typo:
"I do not stomptell me these things!" Sheppard nearly yelped.
I assume Rodney is saying, "I do not stomp!" and Dino-Shep is saying something about "Don't tell me these things!"? You lost a line in there, I think.
And thank you for the commentary; after all, last month or so he turned into a feral bug-man-thing, so a perfectly sane and sensible Utahraptor is nothing in comparison.
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