-title- Masquerade
-author- Sophonisba (
-warnings- None, really. Gen.
-characters- Ford, Sheppard, McKay, Teyla
-disclaimer- I own no part of Stargate: Atlantis. Nor of Star Wars or Back To The Future, for that matter. One of Teyla's lines was inspired by one of Delenn's in Eyrie Productions' Symphony of the Sword -- the second symphony, IIRC.
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And most of the cosplayers I know (granted, in anime fandom) do gender-blind (not to mention color-blind) cosplaying, so it's mostly "who do I like the most?" with a side note of "how easy/interesting would this be to create?"
Oh, dear. I should think it would be.
Sheppard-in-the-SCA started as the purely self-indulgent idea that John knowing what to do with a sword does all sorts of things for me. Then, after a bit of "where would he keep in practice?... SCA, probably," some research into Antarctica brought up both the relatively small amount of time he might be able to fly and the presence of an SCA... do you call it a chapter, or what?, and I decided "very well, personal fanon."
It would make a lot of sense for Sheppard to have been in the SCA group, actually. The sword fighting appeals to a lot of military and there are many SCA groups centered around military installations.
And that's probably way more than you wanted or needed to know. *wry smile*
//And that's probably way more than you wanted or needed to know. *wry smile*//
I'm a reference-and-catalogue librarian -- there's no such animal. ^_^
You're a reference librarian? Cool! I'm a research nut with a penchant for picking up the oddest trivia. My husband claims that I know EVERYTHING. We should adopt each other as sisters!
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