Until the Stars Are All Alight by Reccea (Folklore Challenge)

Feb 03, 2007 20:32

Title:Until the Stars Are All Alight
Author: reccea
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Shit like this never happened on Middle Earth.
Notes: Thanks to smittywing for the beta.

Until the Stars Are All Alight )

challenge: folklore, author: reccea

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Comments 80

ladycat777 February 4 2007, 05:30:43 UTC
I wish I knew how to properly give feedback for this. I'm not a Tolkein-girl, so it took me possibly a little too long to catch the clues -- but oh, when I did. The idea of John as Other, something older and withdrawn is always something that appeals and this most of all -- to be part of something epic, something wondrous where you have to get up and go every day, to seek and find and battle and to transplant that to Atlantis...

I'm not sure I have the words to express how amazing this is. It made my chest get tight because it felt true -- John as the last, the one who makes the most of what's left, enjoying what his brethren dismissed, and more than that, the simple, quiet way that's like Tolkien for high-style, but better, incorporating John's irreverence...

And this: "I'm not what you think I am," he tells Rodney once, trapped and waiting for another nameless danger to pass ( ... )


reccea February 28 2007, 05:35:05 UTC
Wow. Thank you! That's just really great feedback and I'm so very glad that you enjoyed this so much! I'm glad that you can see John the way I portrayed him and that it worked so well for you.

Thank you so much for the feedback. It really made my day.


dr_macgregor February 4 2007, 05:33:16 UTC
not a combo I ever though would work, these two worlds, but you bring them together quite well. love that explanation for his ears, too. LOL very bittersweet.


reccea February 28 2007, 04:51:42 UTC
Thank you very much.


miss_porcupine February 4 2007, 05:41:11 UTC
My initial reaction was "OMG, the crack!" but then I got past that and on to what you were actually saying and the end result is something pretty darned neat. There's a lovely flow to the prose and you've done a nice job of tying in the Tolkien and the Stargate. (And Rodney is such a dwarf.)

Even if you did this all for the ears. ;)


reccea March 13 2007, 06:44:07 UTC
Rodney is totally a dwarf. :) And hey man it's not my fault John has elf ears! :)

Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad you liked the story.


crysothemis February 4 2007, 05:42:07 UTC
Hee! John really is an elf, of course, but Rodney as a dwarf made me laugh and laugh.


grey_bard February 4 2007, 05:59:47 UTC
Yes! Rodney is so very, very dwarf despite being entirely human. And I sort of love them for the same reasons that may have something to do with perhaps being a little Dwarf-like myself...

Three cheers! It doesn't seem as if it would fit, and yet it does. It does and wonderfully.


reccea March 13 2007, 06:45:17 UTC
Thank you.


reccea February 28 2007, 04:53:33 UTC
*grins* Thank you.
(love the icon)


ratcreature February 4 2007, 05:48:15 UTC
OMG, you *broke* my brain as it was trying to make mythologies of SGA and Middle Earth fit. I mean, I know it's for fun mostly, but I can't help wondering what are the Ancinets in this fusion? Elves, still aliens? How come John lived so long without noticing the Goa'uld and the Stargate in the past?


reccea February 28 2007, 05:28:02 UTC
I'm glad that you enjoyed it. The Ancients are- in this universe- the Elves, after they left for the Grey Havens. As for John and the Goauld? He was probably nowhere near Egypt at the time. :)


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