Blue and Purple and Black, oh my (body modification/amnesty 2006)

Jan 01, 2007 05:49

Title: Blue and purple and black, oh my! Body Modification challenge
Author: Bluetoads
Characters: Team with various others (can be read as pre-slash J/R)
Word count: 5,697
Warning: Suggestive themes, cussing, no sex though. Season two/three. It's been quickly glanced at by a couple of people early this morning but all mistakes etc are my fault.
Summary: Heat, body paint , leather and feathers with some strange natives and giggling scientists here and there

Blue and purple and black, oh my! Body Modification challenge
By Bluetoads

It was hot, really hot. As they were currently tramping through a jungle, that made perfect sense. MJX-399 or as Rodney started to call it about half an hour ago ‘planet fucking heat stroke’, seemed to be covered in jungle. Hot, sticky, uncomfortable jungle full of bugs, birds and other creatures and things unseen but heard. That the jungle was to thick to land the puddle jumper anywhere reasonable close to the ruins was a pain in the ass for them all especially as they had to tote all the scientific equipment with them.

The Linguists had found a reference to MJX-399 in some part of the Atlantis Data Base they were currently translating and brought it to Dr. Weir. It seems the Ancients had an outpost or research post or some such thing here at some point in time in the past. The entry also made references to power sources and vaguely talked about possible weapons-maybe. The Linguists’ were still not certain how that translated so they were best guessing that part. Dr. Weir sent SGT Hallron’s team to check out the planet and try to make contact with the natives. They didn’t find any people, natives or otherwise but after doing several planet flyovers they finally found the ruins. They took readings and pictures including infra red and then landed and tried to make their way on foot. They eventually found it, looked it over quickly and came back. SGT Hallron reported that the ruins were about an hours walk into the jungle from the closest safe landing spot and that the ruins looked ancients, deserted and there was some tech in there that the geeks would probably want to look at. So that how Sheppard’s team plus various other scientists and marines ended up here today because there was no way in hell McKay was going to let Zelenka find a ZPM before he did, and Sheppard was dammed if he was letting McKay go off by himself without the rest of the team. He wasn’t loaning his scientist to anyone else after that last fiasco with LT Waldan’s team.

‘Whose fucking idea was to come to Planet Fucking Heat Stroke again?’ Dr. McKay groused for about the 1,000th time after tripping over another root on the path.

‘I believe that was you, Rodney’ Dr Zelenka snarked at him. Dr. Kusanagi giggled behind her hand while the others smiled.

Colonel Sheppard put out a hand to steady McKay while he glared at the others.

‘We’re almost there McKay, just a couple more minutes. Then you and the Doc’s here can go wild and have your Geekgasims over all the tech SGT Hallron said was in there.’

Sheppard smirked at McKay and winked at Miko, who blushed prettily. Radak just snorted and Rodney glared fiercely at them all them marched ahead. Sheppard quickened his pace so he was back up with Rodney then glanced over at Teyla. ‘Teyla, didn’t you say something about your people knowing the people from here?’ Teyla nodded gravely ‘Yes, Colonel. Many years ago my people use to trade with the people of this planet. They called themselves the Suarnian’s. Then we lost contact with them over the season of cold. My father heard rumors in the spring that they had been culled heavily, so he returned with help for them but found only death and ruins.’   Sheppard looked grim then ask ‘Did they ever mention the ruins? Teyla thought for a moment then said ‘There were a few stories about haunted ruins but these ruins are a long way away from any of the Suarian’s villages. I was just a girl when my father brought me here but I remember the chieftain’s grandmother telling me stories about a ghost people that haunted the deep jungle and that the villages were afraid of the jungle because of that. They did not go far into it.’

‘Oh great, that’s all we need! Ghost now! Just great’ McKay stomped on. ’Superstitious clap trap if you ask me.’ Ronon, who had been scouting ahead of them, came back at that moment and report. ‘Ruins 5 minutes ahead, Sheppard. Looks safe enough. Stable for the most part. Didn’t find any human or humanoid tracks anywhere around it.’ ‘Thanks, Ronon.’  Sheppard drawled.

They finally made it to the ruins. It was smallish and one wall was crumbled down making an opening large enough they could easily climb through. From the size of the building there were maybe five or six rooms inside. Standing on a chunk of the fallen wall, Ronon pointed out a small building that looked a little like a gazebo about 20 feet back behind the building. Even now you could see vague patterns in the vegetation like there had been stone paths or something at one time. Sheppard set guards and made up marine/scientists teams. ‘No one goes off alone. Stay in your groups’ people. We don’t need to lose anyone. And don’t forget, radio checks every 30 minutes’ Sheppard drawled. Then Dr. McKay split up his people to various rooms in the small ruins. All was quiet for several hours except for the radio checks and low murmurs from the scientists and some banter amongst the marines.

During the lunch break Rodney wanted someone to check out the gazebo while they finished up inside. Miko volunteered to go as she had finished her assigned room just before lunch break was called. Sheppard decided to go with her as he was going stir crazy. Sheppard helped her over the fallen wall pieces and they carefully made their way to the structure. Once inside they saw that there wasn’t anything technology wise in side it. The walls were covered in vines and colorful bits of designs could be seen on the walls and floors. There were a couple of benches in the middle of the octagon room. There were two door ways in the walls. The one they had entered from and one directly across from it looking over the jungle behind them. Sheppard was looking out the back as Miko was taking pictures of the designs on the floor and walls when suddenly something stumbled out of the jungles darkness. It stumbled and fell to the ground. That was when Sheppard saw it was woman. Or what he thought was female as she had breasts. She was bloody and battered and seemed to have blue skin with strange swirling purple lines all over her body... Her stomach was greatly enlarged as if she were pregnant. She started to crawl towards them when something burst from the jungle where she had come from. It seemed much larger than her and very male if the brief lion cloth thing was telling the truth. He? Seemed to have red skin with odd black serpentine lines on his body. He screamed something and lifted a huge machete like thing over his head and rush toward the woman. She looked back and screamed. Sheppard didn’t think he shout at the man? To drop it and rushed to the woman. He dragged her up by her arm and pulled her away from the down swing of the machete which thwacked into the ground where the woman had been a moment before. Sheppard then pushed her toward Miko who had come to the door at the shout. ‘Take care of her!’ he growled at Miko and pointed his 9 mm at the man. It all happened in seconds. Picking the woman up and pushing her into Miko’s arms and leveling his Beretta at the intruder. The red man hesitated a moment then charged screaming. Sheppard didn’t think about it. He had warned the man off already. He shot him a clean chest shot killing him. Sheppard checked to make sure the man was dead then turned toward the others running up to them.

He ordered Ronon and a couple of Marines check out the jungle to make sure there weren’t anymore of the red man out there. Turning to Rodney he asked ‘You about done here? I think she’s going to need Beckett.’ Pointing to the blue woman. ‘Yeah, we were just wrapping things up. We’ll get packing ASAP.’ Rodney responded looking worriedly at the blue woman. He then sent SGT Torez and SPC Hart back to the Puddle jumper to contact Atlantis and request Dr. Beckett. He then checked on Miko and the woman. She was struggling violently whenever anyone but Miko was near her. When she saw Sheppard appear she flung herself at him spouting thanks and praise.

Sheppard looked flummoxed with the weeping thankful woman clinging to him. He tried a few back pats but really didn’t know what to do with her and looked pleadingly at Teyla and Miko mouthing ‘help me!’ This generated some muffled snickering from those around them. Sheppard glared and suddenly people were helping the scientists’ pack up in a hurry. At last she seemed to calm some and he could sit her on the bench in the gazebo and she let Miko start to look at her wounds. She seemed to have mostly minor stuff, cuts, scrapes and the like. Her face seemed to be heavily bruised like she had been hit and she had cuts and bruising around her wrists and ankles. She was also very pregnant and very blue. During the patching up they learned her name was A’laka and she was of the Burnana people. Teyla twitched at that but didn’t say anything. Sheppard looked at her and she just shook her head in a ‘later’ gesture. He nodded and let it go for now. She also said the red man was from a rival people called the Durran and he had taken her from her people and husband by force and intended to kill her and her child but she had escaped. The Durran were afraid of the ruins so she ran here hoping to lose him and then make her way back to her people.  It was at this point that she cried out, doubled over and something wet splattered on the ground around her.

There was much shouting and cursing as it was realized A’laka’s water had broken and she was actively going into labor. That she still wouldn’t let anyone but Miko and Sheppard near her was a problem. SGT Torez radioed to say they were at the jumper and contacting Atlantis now. Rodney was back and shouting into the radio that ‘they had a baby on the way so they needed Carson right the fuck now! And oh my god bloods everywhere!’  Carson came on the line shortly and calmly started asking questions. He said ‘it sounded like the lass was going to deliver fast’  and ‘he didn’t think he would be able to get there in time so John was just going to have to suck it up and deliver the we bairn’ Sheppard cursed a blue streak at that finishing with he didn’t know anything about delivering babies damn it! Carson responded ‘that he would be giving him and Miko instructions over the radio, they would do just fine and he would be there as soon as he could.  And they saw the teams puddle jumper now so they should be there in about 45 minutes.’

40 minutes late A’laka had delivered what looked like a normal, wrinkled baby boy. 10 minutes later Carson and company came huffing into the clearing. After much pleading A’laka let Carson near her and he checked the mother and son over and declared then ‘just fine’

They had just gotten everyone back to the puddle jumpers when the HUD flashed and Ronon shouted’ heads up, incoming!’ Pointing to the sky. Everyone stared when they saw over the trees what looked a-hell of a lot like blue Pterodactyls with blue people riding them. The blue people had a lot of pointy spears and arrows pointed at them. A’laka, who had been carried out of the jungle on a stretcher, latched on to Sheppard and pleaded with him not to hurt her people. She then waved at the blue people. Three of the winged things came lower and A’laka shouted something to them the spears were lowered. She then told Sheppard that three of her people would like to land and to please, please not harm them. Sheppard waved the marines down and glared at the scientists to make them stay in the cover of the back of the jumpers.

Three of the winged things landed in the clearing with the puddle jumpers. The blue men rushed forward and engulfed A’laka in their arms. There was much weeping and gesturing going on. The Atlanteens stood warily back watching while some of the scientist snapped pictures of the blue people and the winged things. Rodney standing at Sheppard’s shoulder said quietly ‘I thought Hallron’s team said they didn’t find anything human here. No life signs big enough to be human and I think I would remember if he said there were 8 foot winged dinosaurs!’ He glared at the dinosaurs ‘they look pretty hard to miss Colonel. How the hell do you miss that?! I think you need to have a talk with him about what constitutes a life sign and 8 foot fucking dinosaurs qualifies!’ Sheppard sighed. Rodney did have a point. The blue of the bird things did show up rather nicely against the green of the jungle. A’laka’s people kind of stood out to. They had bright blue skin a lot like those commercial guys for that computer thing he remembered seeing on TV last time he was Earth side. They all had long hair, most looked like it would reach to their waists. That was another thing. A’laka and the big guy had dark purple hair and everyone else had dark greens, blues or black hair all done up with colorful beads and feathers. A’laka and the big guy had elaborate purple and dark blue tattoos swirled around their bodies. They were covered in them but instead of looking gaudy or vulgar they were rather pretty. Actually, they looked good on them. The other men had similar body tattoos but in different colors. They got to see how good the tattoos looked mostly because the Burnana people didn’t seem to wear all the much in the clothing. Made sense what with it being heat stroke planet.

Finally A’laka came back toward them with the others close behind her. She went to Sheppard. ‘This is my husband G’kata. G’kata, this is C’nel Sh’ard of the L’tans. He is the one who saved me and brought our son into this world.’ She turned to Dr. Kusanagi ‘G’kata, this is D’r M’ko of the L’tans. She also helped to save me and help me to bring our son into this world.’ She took both their hands and said ‘They are most blessed.’

G’kata looked them over and then engulfed the two into a huge hug crushing them to his chest. Their arms flailed a bit. Miko squeaked and Sheppard squawked then G’kata put them down and said ‘You are most honored. You are strangers but have saved my most loved wife and my son. You must be honored. Come, there will be feasting and ceremony!’

Teyla stepped forward and said they were honored but C’nel Sh’ard and D’r M’ko had to stay with them as they were very most valued among the L’tans. G’kata didn’t take offense thankfully and said friends of most honored were welcome. So introductions were made then Sheppard and McKay held a short counsel and sent one Jumper back to Atlantis along with most of the scientists, equipment and marines. With orders to report what happened to Dr. Weir and Major Lorne and that if they didn’t check in by morning to send the marines back to get them. And to bring big guns please cause the dinosaurs looked tough to kill. They kept one jumper, SGA-1, Dr. Kusanagi, two extra marines and Dr. Corrigan form sociology and Dr. Zelenka who both adamantly refused to leave despite threats from Sheppard and glares and vows of dire retribution from McKay. So they loaded on to the Jumper and Sheppard followed behind the Blue Pterodactyls. They were in the air about an hour when they saw the volcano ahead. The blue things winged gracefully down about 30 minutes later and glided into a large opening in the side of the mountain volcano.  There was room for the jumper to make it and they followed. They ended up in a large lush valley. G’kata waved them to a flat spot to land the jumper and waited for them to disembark.

After that they were introduced to the village and A’laka was whisked off to their Shaman to be checked out. Dr. Beckett was able to get them to let him and an escort marine go with the mother and child so he soon disappeared into a hut following them. The rest of them got a tour of the village and their temple which turned out to look a lot like ancient architecture. They were able to take photos and scans of the writing on the walls so Dr. Corrigan was happy. Dr. McKay said there was a power source of some kind here but he could figure out where it was coming from. Then they were sat down for a meal which McKay said ‘wasn’t that bad and there wasn’t any citrus so it was OK, pass that pink stuff and are you going to eat that Colonel?’

That’s when the fun began. Several ‘old as dirt’ tiny villager women came forward and said  ‘it was time to prepare most honored C’nel Sh’ard and D’r M’ko for the ceremony.’ And then they hustled the two away despite Sheppard and Miko throwing pleading looks back at the others. Teyla asked what was happening and was told that C’nel Sh’ard and D’r M’ko were to be bathed and dressed for the ceremony of welcome and naming. She was assured that they would not be hurt and that they (Teyla and the rest) should relax and enjoy the festivities. There was much to celebrate tonight. The return of A’laka, the birth of the chieftain’s first child and son and the welcoming of new friends to the tribe. So they moved closer to the hut Miko and John were taken to and kept a close watch while eating and drinking and watching the villages.

Large tubs of water were taken into the hut and they heard Sheppard loudly saying ‘hey, hey, hands off… what are you doing…. Hey, give me back my pants. Hands off lady…EEAP!’  Splash!!  There were a few squeaks from Miko but nothing as loud as Sheppard.

A little while late the tubs were taken away and trays of jars and bundles of cloth were taken in. Then they heard Miko ‘OH no, so sorry but I do not want to be blue! Squeak!’

Then Sheppard ‘Hey, hey, ladies watch the hands... Meap! …. What do you think you are going to do with that? I don’t think so! Get that away from me…… You want to do what! Pierce what!! Ronon! Followed by much cussing and swearing’

The Marines got impressed looks on their faces from Sheppard’s repertoire. He apparently could cuss in fluently in several languages and in ancient which perked up Rodney who was heard to say ‘I knew that Bastard was holding out on me!’ Dr Zelenka was snickering and seemed to be taking notes while Dr Corrigan hung over his shoulder repeating some of what Sheppard was saying and giggling. Teyla got her ‘you are so men!’ look on her face and turned back to the villagers she had been talking with. When Ronon went to get up the villages ensured them that most honored were not being tortured and no, they understood what T’yla had told them and they were not dying most honored permanently but using paste to draw designs on to most honored. The paste would wash off in a day or two. No worries. Rodney and Ronon both looked worriedly over to the closed door of the hut.

It was quite for a while then two new elders went in. Shortly after that they heard Miko screech and a lot of ‘no, no, no, no’s ‘ When the team jumped to their feet to rush the hut the nearest villages grabbed them and said all was well, most honored were getting  their decorated now. Then they heard Sheppard roar ‘What the hell did you do to my hair! I told you not to touch the hair!! OH MY GOD!!! MY HAIR!!!!’ They then heard a resounding slap and Miko saying ‘Get a hold of yourself Colonel, It’ll grow back you will see’ then they heard what might be male sobbing but was maybe defiantly whimpering. This had Radak rolling on the ground howling with laughter and Ronon, Rodney and Carson (who had returned) fingering their own hair worriedly and sending quick glances to the hut and each other.

Finally they heard both Sheppard and Miko say loudly they were NOT going to be putting those, those, things on! They weren’t decent and then Miko exclaiming that SHE was not in to bondage thank you very much and Sheppard was heard to say there was no way in hell he was going anywhere with his ass hanging out in the wind and he got enough of that with Beckett and his damn gowns in the infirmary. This had Carson choking and gasping on the fruit juice he had just started drinking from. Radak and Corrigan were gasping for breath on the ground and Teyla had her ‘shoot me now’ look on her face. The marines were not even trying to hide their chuckling now. It also looked like money was being exchanged.

Darkness hard fallen and a torches were lit. Many of the villagers had disappeared through out the afternoon and returned in brightly colored festive outfits and jewelry. Flower and feather garlands now decorated the area there was music and some villagers were dancing. Many low tables were placed around the area and wonderful smelling food was appearing on the tables. Piles of bright cushions were also tossed around. G’kata and A’laka and the baby entered the fest area. They looked wonderful in their blue skin and tattoos. G’kata was wearing some kind of black leather leggings or chaps with a lion cloth. His chest was bare except of an elaborate bead, bone and feather breast plate. His hair was done in intricate braids with more beads and feathers. A’laka was dressed in a black and blue sari type gown that left much, ok, most of her midriff and back bare. Her tattoos looked wonderful also and her hair was done in matching braids to G’kata. She had a matching neck cuff to his chest plate. For some reason the blue skin, purple hair and blue and purple tattoos didn’t clash and just look damned good. Dr. Corrigan was avidly filming the couple and all the other villages around the area. The little baby appeared to be blue now; he also had a small blue and purple tattoo on his bald head. After the couple was seat they clapped and said it was time to start. Everyone found seats and some speeches were given. A’laka told a dramatic story of her capture, escape and rescue. The baby was held up and ohh’d over. Then G’kata told a dramatic account of his search for his wife and finding her and her return to the people. During both stories there was some sniffling and some of the women even wept. Rodney glared at Carson when the doctor started to sniffle during the telling. Carson just glared back and sniffed some more.

Then the villagers around the area started stamping and calling for the most honored to come forth and be presented. Rodney thought he heard a ‘Hell no!’ from Sheppard but he wasn’t sure as they were seated farther from the hut now. Then the huts door opened and two of the little grannies escorted Miko out. At first her head was down but then she lifted her shoulder and took a deep breath. Step walked to the center of the area and bowed before the couple. The Lateens were stunned. Miko looked… well, hot! She was dressed in a deep blue leather outfit that looked a lot like Teylas’ stick fighting outfit. But with beads and feathers. Her hair was done in some elaborate braid and swoop thing that was piled on top of head then hanging down in what looked a lot like something from Japanese anima. There were deep purple streaking in her black hair and she had a large feather and bead head dress perched on her forehead with strands of beads hanging down the side of her face framing it. Her glasses were gone. Both ears had pretty crystal bead and feather earrings in them that almost brushed her shoulders. A strand of blue and purple crystal bead fringe draped elegantly over her right check connecting a second piecing in her right ear to her nose. It looked very East Indian. But all of that was nothing compared to the rest. Her eyes had been heavily khol’d and a deep blue and purple design of flowers and vines started at her forehead over her right eye and wrapped down the left side of face, under her chin, around her long neck and over her left breast, under her brief top and out the bottom to meandering around her midriff and snaking to her back and back under her shirt and finished by twisting around her right thigh and down her leg. Her left ankle had a vine and flower ring around it with some treadles up to her left knee. Both hands were painted the same so it looked like she had lace gloves on. It looked like even the bottoms of her bare feet were painter. The effect was just awesome and had all the Atlanteen men’s jaws on the grown with drool on more than a few. Both Dr Zelenka and Dr Corrigan took off their glasses, cleaned the lens and put them back on. Miko looked like an animaer’s wet dream.

A’laka stood and presented Miko as Pri’cessa D’r M’ko of the L’tans. Friend and daughter of G’kata and A’laka of the tribe from this day forth. She then kissed her on both cheeks and much clapping and hooting was heard. The Lateens gapped. Princess? She was then escorted to the side of A’laka’s side of the table and seated.

G’kata stood as A’laka sat back down. Calls for the next most honored were loud now with much stamping. Everyone craned their necks to stare at the hut now. The door opened and two more little grannies came out pushing a protesting Sheppard. He stumbled out. Turned and stared at everyone and hunched his shoulders then it looked like he took a deep breath and stood straight and sauntered forward. He bowed to G’kata then turned to the crowd with G’kata. If Miko was a wet dream, Sheppard was walking porn. He was dressed in an open leather vest and tight leather pants that laced up the outside of the legs leaving ALOT of skin showing up his long legs as the lacings were widely spaced. He also had a short beaded loin cloth thing over the pants. The leather was dyed purple but a purple so dark it might as well be black. Sheppard’s hair had been spiked even worse than normal and it looked like extensions had been added because he now had a long black pony tail down his back and shoulder length bits ah’la David Bowie from labyrinth framing his face. It also had dark blue tips on the spikes and subtle dark blue streaks throughout. The blue looked good. Really good. He also had a feather and bead headdress but it wasn’t as large as Miko's. The beads mixed nicely with his hair and framed his face wonderfully. Sheppard now sported ear rings in both ears that looked a lot like Miko’s. Both the hair and the ear rings some how managed to look masculine on Sheppard. He didn’t have a nose piecing. What he now had was a nipple piecing-the left to be exact. Rodney liked to be exact. It was sliver with Crystal beads and small feathers dangling down. If that wasn’t enough to get a person drooling, well the way those talented, very talented grannies had painted him would do it. Sheppard’s’ eyes were also heavily Khol’d making his hazel eyes look huge and very exotic. His was painted with deep blue and purple swoops and swirls that started above his left eye and wound around his face and neck and across his chest. When the design came to his rig cage it split in two. One wrapped around his waist and around to his back and plunged into the low waist line of the pants. It looked like it traveled over his left buttock and twined around his thigh and leg to end on the top of his left foot. The open spaces down the outside of his pant leg gave tantalizing glimpses of the design wandering enticingly down his leg and kept drawing the eye. The second part of the design seemed to climb back up his chest, over his shoulders with treadles swooping down his arms and wrists and hands. Others continued over the shoulder blades and spread out over his back and wrapped around his right hip and plunged into the front of his pants so it looked like it went over his groin and it must have snaked down his right leg cause there were tantalizing glimpses of it through the lacings on the outside of the right leg like on the left. It didn’t look stupid or anything like you would think it would. Sheppard made it look hot and manly and hot and dangerous and hot…. The females and more than a few males in the crowd were looking at Sheppard like he was the answer to everything and then some. Sheppard defiantly glared at the Lateens daring them to say something or laugh at him. None of them had two working brain cells amongst them to rub together so he really needn’t have bother. G’kata took Sheppard’s hand and presented him to them as Pr’nce C’nel Sh’ard of the L’tans Friend and son of G’kata and A’laka of the tribe from this day forth. He kissed both his cheeks and led him to his side of the table and seated him. G’kata then presented his son to the villagers as Pr’nce Sh’ko of the people. There was must hooting and whooping. After that the food was pasted around and more dancing and much glee. Dr. Corrigan was recording everything like mad and it looked like he was going to make a fortune off the Miko and Sheppard parts. Rodney could see Atlantis had its first porn stars especially after A’laka made the two of them go out and dance with her. They moved real well for not knowing what they were doing and they looked really hot together. Teyla and Radak were somehow able to get Miko and Sheppard to pose together and Dr. Corrigan took way to many pictures which makes Rodney think much money is going to change hands in approximately 10 minutes after they exit the jumper in the morning. Finally the festival’s office parts were over. Teyla made arrangements with the leaders to open trade negotiations in the near future goodbyes were made and they gathered up their things and left.

For some reason neither Miko nor Sheppard wanted to spend what was left of the night there. It might have had something to do with the hungry looks many of the villagers were casting at them. But that was just a guess. Before they left A’laka had pressed wrapped bundles in Sheppard’s and Miko’s arms and said they were thank you gifts.

Sheppard growled at them all to not say a word and took off. Everyone pretended not to notice all the ‘wood’ in the jumper. There was a lot of uncomfortable shifting going on throughout the trip back. Luckily it only took about and hour to get back to gate and back to Atlantis. Rodney was pretty sure there was going to be a mass rush to rooms and showers as soon as the back opened on the jumper.

Just before the jumper landed Miko peeked at her gift. She squealed so loud dogs could probably hear her back on Earth. When the tears had cleared from their eyes they saw Miko was holding up a ZPM. Rodney started to hyperventilate. Radak smacked him they lunged to Miko together and fell on the ZPM. Suddenly Rodney and Radak look up and stared at Sheppard. They lunged at him and snatched his bundle from him and unwrapped it. It was a ZPM! The scientists made sounds only dogs could hear and rushed off the jumper toward the labs with their prizes. Dr. Weir looked bemused after them. Carson patted her shoulder and said ‘it was Ok, love-they’d be back after they test the ZPM’s.’ She looked shocked. Then, ‘Did you say ZPM’S Carson? As in plural?’ He just nodded smiling widely. At that point Miko and John exited the jumper bay and entered the gate room. Dr. Weirs’ jaw hit the ground. Utter silence fell over the control center and gate room while jaws dropped and eyes goggled. Sheppard looked them all over haughtily and drawled ‘good evening’, and held his elbow out to Miko. She took it and he escorted her out of the gate room and to her quarters. Both their heads held high. It was impressive. It was beautiful and it left total silence in their wake all the way back to their respective quarters.

challenge: body modification, amnesty 2006, author: bluetoads

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