Exit by illman

Dec 24, 2006 11:17

Title: Exit
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Rating: FRT
Disclaimer: I don't own concepts, characters, etc.
Summary: John had never run this fast in his life
Spoilers: Set sometime in Season 2, no particular spoilers.
A/N: An idea with which I have been toying for a while. Rather heavily inspired by a certain Doctor Who episode.

When he watched Rodney dial the Gate for the fourth time, John realized that they truly were screwed.

Rodney kicked the DHD and howled in pain, jumping around and holding his sore foot. Under different circumstances, John wouldn’t have been able to resist a teasing comment or two, but right now he was more concerned with their impending death by ray gun.

“Now would be a good time to get those force fields up!” Rodney shouted as he tried to pry of the panel hiding the control crystals. If one of the crystals was damaged or missing, all the time in the universe wouldn’t save them.

Raising the force field was the only way to just maybe buy enough time to for Rodney to fix the DHD, but it was a sure way of trapping Teyla and Ronon on the other side. If they were still alive, that was. John couldn’t afford to assume otherwise.

“Rodney!” He tossed the scientist a grenade. “Don’t use this unless the force field drops!”

“You mean before it drops…” Rodney started, but John didn’t hear the rest of it, he was busy racing down the corridor, the new erected force field shielding Rodney and the DHD.

John had never run this fast in his life. His heart was thumping so heavily against the inside of his chest that the sound of dozen or maybe hundreds of soldiers was drowned out. The corridors all looked the same, each junction had several more leading off deep into the alien complex. John couldn’t find the spot where they - no he - had left behind Teyla or Ronon, never believing them when they assured him they would catch up with them at the Gate. He had promised to come back for Teyla and he would come back for Ronon as well.

He squeezed into a side corridor just before he was almost spotted by the group of patrolling soldiers. John held his breath, not daring to move, as rattling footsteps approached him. For a moment, he thought he was in the clear, but then, they stopped. The silence was awful and for a moment, John had the urge to jump out and take down just one of the bastards who had killed half his team, even if it was the last thing he ever did. As far as he could tell, he didn’t have a hell of a lot of time to do anything.

John took a breath and jumped. He threw his only grenade towards the enemy soldiers, not caring about escaping the blast himself.

It didn’t hurt. John felt only a slight sensation of pins and needles before a white light engulfed everything.


Someone was slapping his face and calling his name. It took him a second to realize the wrongness. It wasn’t happening. He had to be dreaming but that didn’t make any sense either because he was dead.

Another hard slap landed in his face. He instinctually opened his eyes.

Teyla and Ronon was looking down at him, wearing concerned expressions.

“You shouldn’t be here. You can’t.” John closed his eyes again, hoping that when he opened them again, the cruel hallucinations would be gone. They weren’t.

Teyla extended a hand towards him. John stared at her even while he took the proffered hand and sat up.

“You can’t be here,” He repeated.

“It wasn’t real. None of it was,” Ronon explained off-handed as if that would explain everything.

“It’s all right. We are fine,” Teyla said gently.

Willing to belief them for the moment, John looked around. The Stargate was looming behind them. Rodney was leaning against the DHD, looking rather out of it. When he noticed John looking over, he waved.

“It seems this planet is some sort of testing ground, to examine our behaviour. We all woke up here after we completed the test scenario.”

“She means after we ‘died’,” Rodney piped up.

John could wrap his dazed brain around that. It made more sense that any other explanation he had considered so far.

“Let’s go home.” For the first time in what seemed like a long time, John smiled.


challenge: not happening, amnesty 2006, author: illman

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