Tribal Watchman by Quasar (Secret Superpower challenge)

Aug 06, 2006 15:03

Title: Tribal Watchman
Author: Quasar
Length: 100 words
Notes: I do have an evil plan to develop this more thoroughly...

Ronon paused halfway across the mess hall, narrowing his eyes at the man sitting close to Teyla.

The stranger looked up. "Oh, hey man! Teyla's telling me about how you spent a few years on your own trying to avoid the Wraith."

Ronon slid his tray onto the table. "A few."

"She says you're awesome at tracking in the woods, like you can see the smallest trail sign. And your hearing is really sharp, too?"

Ronon shoveled food into his mouth.

"Listen, I've been studying enhanced senses. There was this book by Richard Burton -- the explorer, not the actor --"

challenge: secret superpower, author: quasar273

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