Quality Time, by ellex42 - Exhaustion challenge

Jun 10, 2006 21:17

Quality Time
Spoilers: None
Season/Episode: Set sometime after Season 2 episode "Runner"
Warnings: Toy!kink
A/N: Approximately 3000 words worth of PWP. And only one character. This is a byproduct of research for the Shiver trilogy.

Summary: A very tired Rodney McKay enjoys a little private time.
Now with three different sequels!

Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Stargate: Atlantis is not owned by me, nor do I make any material profit from this story.

Scroll down to the bottom for a picture of the toy, because it's damn hard to describe. Image is NOT work-safe, although odds are no one would know what it is anyway…


He stared at the thing, his fatigue momentarily forgotten - off-white, about five inches long. The larger section was round, with two bulges on one side, then narrowed to about half the width of the largest section. The narrow end angled slightly, then branched into a thin perpendicular crosspiece, one arm curled outward and the other bent in with a little round knob on the end. The thicker part was surprisingly heavy for such a small object, and its surface was smooth and firm.

His first impression had to be wrong. Simply had to be. There was no way the Ancients could have had a…what this looked like. They hadn't found any evidence of anything of that type anywhere on Atlantis - not even medical tools. So this couldn't possibly be…

He set it carefully back on his workbench and checked the tag that said where it had been found. Bringing up a map of Atlantis on his laptop, he identified the area as living quarters.

Well…so maybe it was what it looked like. Maybe someone had left it behind when the Ancients evacuated Atlantis. Maybe…

He accessed the city's database. Non-specific searches didn't usually pan out, but he could try describing the object…

And for once, the interface actually worked properly. Not only did he find the information he was looking for, there were pictures and diagrams on its use…

Dear lord, it was what it looked like. An eager little shudder passed through him at the thought.

"Rodney? What is it you have there?"

At the sound of Zelenka's voice, Rodney frantically wiped the images from his laptop screen and slipped the device into his pocket.

"Nothing! Just, ah, playing with the database! Hoping I'd find something useful for once." He could feel his face getting warm. There was no way he could continue to work with that thing weighing down his pocket. Every time someone looked at him or spoke to him, he'd be thinking about it. "Look, um, I - I'm going to go back to my quarters and lay down for a bit before dinner. I'm feeling a little - tired."

Zelenka snorted. "Tired! You, Rodney McKay, are actually tired? I fear the world is coming to an end."

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly willing to admit when I'm tired," Rodney exclaimed, feeling mildly offended.

"Oh yes, you admit it - but you won't go away and sleep. How long have you been up this time? Two days? Three? Everything must not be done all at once, McKay. Give your staff a little credit - we can manage without your constant supervision."

Rodney drew himself up to respond with affronted dignity, but wilted under Zelenka's raised eyebrow.

"Fine! Just - fine! I'm taking the rest of the evening off, then. You can deal with anything that comes up. I'm not setting foot back in this lab until tomorrow morning."

"Or the Gate Room? Or the Chair Room?"

"Oh - you - okay, okay, no more work at all, then. Scout's honor." He shut down his laptop and picked it up to take with him, but laid it back on the workbench when Zelenka pushed his glasses back up on his nose and stared pointedly at it.

"You, McKay, were never a scout," Radek's dry tone followed him out into the corridor.

The thing in Rodney's pocket was a distracting weight. It had already been autoclaved after a scan had shown no circuitry or working parts inside it, so it was pretty much ready for use…that thought made the back of his neck hot, and he knew his face was turning red.

Well…why not? He needed something to take his mind off his work, something to relieve a little of the accumulated stress. His decision made, he keyed his radio and left strict instructions not to be disturbed until morning unless it was a dire emergency, and by dire, he explained forcefully to the sergeant in charge in the Gate Room, he meant nothing less than the impending complete and utter destruction of Atlantis.

He had a few hours until dinner - it was just enough time to enjoy himself for a little bit, take a shower, grab something to eat, and get a full night's sleep for once. Now that he'd made up his mind, he was really looking forward to it, bouncing on his toes as he walked.

Other things were starting to feel a little…bouncy…too.

Reaching his quarters, he entered and thought the door closed behind him, adding a mental command for it to lock, and not to open - no matter what. It didn't take him long to strip all his clothes off. He raised his arms over his head and stretched luxuriously, hearing the snap-crackle-pop of his vertebrae as his spine unkinked. He shook out his arms and legs and rolled his head around to work the stiffness out of his neck.

Retrieving the device from the pocket of his jacket, he took it into the little bathroom. He left it on the sink while he emptied his bladder, then washed it with soap and hot water to warm it up a little and rinse off any pocket fluff. .

He needed two more items to complete his preparations: the tin of his homemade sunscreen and a condom. Both were in the drawer of the bedside table, and he spared a moment to mentally thank Carson for rather insistently supplying every person on Atlantis with a handful of prophylactics. He took both items out and laid them on the bed along with the device.

His hands were trembling slightly, so he took a moment to compose himself. Deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth…Sheppard would probably laugh to see him like this, stark naked and doing deep breathing like some perverted yogi.

He thrust the thought of Sheppard out of his head ruthlessly - he didn’t need that kind of distraction right now. His hands had stilled, the shaky feeling washed away by calm anticipation.

Kneeling in the middle of the bed, he closed his eyes and rubbed his hands firmly down the outside of his thighs, back up the insides, up over his belly to his chest. A fingertip swirled around each nipple brought a subtle tingle to the nubs, spreading through his body and further relaxing him. The soft flesh grew firm, and when his tugged at them, his hips twitched. He looked down to find his penis beginning to grow, already standing out from his groin. He traced a finger down its length, sending little jolts of arousal through the nerve endings.

He smiled, pleased that the old relaxing ritual still worked. Anxiety had a terrible effect on his performance, even in private, and the calmer he was, the better the next hour or so would be. Unfortunately, the time and energy to attend to this type of physical need was seldom available. Most of the time he sublimated his sexual cravings into his work, apart from the odd hand-job in the shower. This time, he was determined to enjoy the opportunity to the fullest.

He picked up the condom packet, using his teeth to tear the thick foil. It was easiest to roll the thin membrane on now, when he was half-hard and not overly sensitive. The material was pleasantly snug, a dull friction over his skin.

The next stage was a bit more difficult, particularly as Rodney wasn't all that flexible. He opened the tin of sunscreen, catching a whiff of the faint tropical scent, and scooped up a generous dollop on his index finger. He bent forward, reaching between his legs, resting his forehead on the bed as he spread the thick, slick substance over his opening, massaging it into the tender, wrinkled skin. He reached for more, and this time he pressed the sunscreen into the puckered hole, forcing himself to relax the muscles and allow the tip of his finger to penetrate, pushing more of the cream inside.

Slowly and gently, he pressed the finger into the hole, feeling the sphincter resist, then yield. He winced a little at the stretch of the muscles, particularly when he took more of the sunscreen and added a second finger, but a firm circular motion eventually loosened their grip, and he slid the fingers deeper inside with a sigh.

He left them there for a while, getting used to the sensation, resisting the urge to push them out.

His cock had subsided a little, so he tucked his other hand into the curve of his body, cupping himself. He palmed the head and rubbed it firmly, pulling his fingers out of his ass a little, then pushing them back in.

The smooth stroking of both anus and penis made the latter perk up again, made his breath quicken as the pleasurable feelings began to build. Finally, he pulled his fingers out of the tender hole and uncurled, sitting up and arching his back to loosen up his spine again.

He reached for the device now, smearing plenty of sunscreen over the larger section. He wiped his fingers off on his thigh, then bent forward again, reaching back to press the bulbous end of the device to his slick hole, making sure the curled arms on the end of it were positioned vertically, the inward curl pointed down.

The head slipped in easily, the weight of it helping to pull it inside. He let go and tilted his ass higher in the air, and it began to slide in without his help, making his breath hitch and catch. He had to give it a little push to help the bulge in the middle through the opening, then it slid all the way in, and he shuddered as it settled into place.

He lifted his head and straightened his back, eyes shut tight so he could concentrate on the wonderful sensations that washed over him every time the object moved. By the time his back was parallel to the bed as he supported part of his weight on his hands, the little round knob on the end of the inwardly curled arm outside of him came to rest against his skin, directly between his filled hole and his taut scrotum.

He didn't even have to adjust it to make the little ball press against the acupressure spot, and his sphincter suddenly convulsed around the narrow neck of the device, making it shift. The end inside him passed over the tiny gland while the arm outside rubbed across his perineum, and he cried out as the nerve endings flared and sent bolts of exquisite pleasure through him, radiating outward. He couldn't hold still, his body rocking forward and back, making the device move within him again, passing over the muscles of his rectum. That, in turn, made him tighten around the solid mass. His ass felt almost painfully full, the solid weight of it giving him the impression of being impaled on something huge, even though he knew it wasn't actually very big. As his body adjusted to it, the sensation became more enjoyable, and he deliberately contracted and relaxed his muscles gently around it at a slow, regular tempo. It seemed like every movement made the thing shift and rub and press into him, sending waves of pleasure through his entire body, one after another, all the way down to his fingers and toes.

He was caught in an endless litany of luxurious delight; his mouth hung open, but he breathed slowly and deeply through his nose in an effort to hold onto some control, to hold back from the edge a while longer. Soft whispers and moans began to force their way out of his throat as the exquisite sensations crashed over him, built up and crashed through him again. His cock was now fully erect, thick and red under the condom, bobbing in the air as his breath quickened. Pre-come dribbled continuously into the condom, slicking up the inside and reducing the friction until it felt like there was nothing on his flesh but hot wetness.

Suddenly he shuddered, his body tightening, his fists clenched on top of the sheets. The orgasm gathered in his anus, the walls of his channel pulsating, making his hips twitch and thrust into the air so that the device thumped erratically into his prostate. Continuous threads of lightning shot up his spine, made his eyelids flutter, stole his breath until he seemed to be drowning in an ocean of ecstasy - but he stilled himself, fighting to hold completely still, to relax his rectum around the device. He couldn't hear himself whimpering over the rush of blood in his ears.

Slowly, so slowly, the orgasm subsided. He pulled in huge gulps of air, trying to keep still through the aftershocks, his eyes wide open and fixed unseeing on the sheet below him.

He waited until his panting breaths slowed to normal, unclenching his fists and flexing stiff fingers. He lifted his gaze to the window, focusing on the rippling surface of the ocean, the setting sun throwing the long shadows of the city towers across the water.

"Oh, yes," he sighed in satisfaction, "I really needed this." He let his body calm down a little more, then carefully lowered himself to lie down on his side. He curled his arm under his head and contemplated his half-hard penis for a moment, then stroked a finger over the still leaking tip. Evaluating his flagging energy levels, he came to a decision.

He stretched out his legs, pointing his toes and relaxing muscles that had stiffened from kneeling for so long. The device pressed into him in new ways in this position, held snugly by his buttocks. The slightly swollen flesh twitched under the pressure, and he shifted his hips a little and let out a low moan as the thing teased his prostate. He drew his knees up toward his stomach, allowing the device to move freely again, and started a slow rolling motion with his hips, feeling the end seem to pulse continuously against the gland.

He began to drift in the darkness behind his eyelids as the hectic pace of the past week caught up with him, remembering when he'd had a similar device of his own, back on Earth. Another scientist at Area 51, commiserating over the difficulty of finding anyone to date in the high security compound, much less someone compatible personality-wise and good in bed, had introduced him to the concept of prostate massagers as the ultimate sexual experience. He'd been a little leery about sticking something up his ass, but the thing was so small…and his colleague so enthusiastic about it…and he'd been a hell of lot hornier back then, when he wasn't fighting for his own life and the lives of close friends and colleagues on a regular basis. He'd left it behind when he went to Russia, unwilling to have to explain what it was if his luggage was searched - and it had been searched. Besides, the rumor that people in Siberia had lots of sex just to stay warm turned out to be true, and he hadn't lacked for willing - and experienced - partners.

He'd never acquired another one, although it wasn't like he hadn't had the opportunity. But he'd become increasingly caught up in his work, and then he'd gone to Antarctica, where you had to be careful what you had shipped out to you, since everything came by plane. Weight restrictions were a big issue, and every ounce of cargo was weighed and inspected and listed on hideously detailed manifests.

After a while he'd simply forgotten about it, about what a wonderful stress reliever it was, and the memory of the incredibly intense, often multiple orgasms it gave him faded alongside the allure of advanced technology beyond his wildest dreams.

Apparently the Ancients had appreciated a good orgasm, too, and Rodney certainly wasn't going to look this particular gift horse in the mouth - or ass, as the case might be. Not when every time he rolled his pelvis, the wonderful sensations suffused his entire body. Not when the slightest contraction of his sphincter, of the rectal muscles, made the device throb and vibrate against his prostate, when the little knob on his perineum felt like a finger continually massaging the sensitive flesh there.

He tensed his sphincter slightly, careful not to clench down too hard. The muscles quivered and spasmed, the massager picking up every flutter and reflecting it throughout the channel, causing the exterior arm touching his perineum to vibrate over the pressure point there. Waves of pleasure washed over him, starting deep inside him, building even higher and stronger this time. He reached down and grasped his achingly hard cock, giving it several firm pulls. Suddenly his anus began to pump rhythmically, expanding and contracting by itself, and the device stroked quickly across his prostate.

A moment later his orgasm ripped through him, drawing a long, breathless moan from his throat. Semen shot into the condom in burning gouts, his erection visibly pulsing with each ejaculation. His back bowed as he curled around his groin, his body shaking uncontrollably as the pleasure gathered deep under the root of his cock burst and spread outward.

Finally he slumped, gasping, into the mattress. His body was dripping with sweat, every muscle limp and quivering with fatigue. His sphincter gave a few last little spasms, the device twitching inside him, and he whimpered.

The urge to just close his eyes and go to sleep immediately was almost overwhelming, but he knew he'd regret it if he did. The condom needed to be removed and his penis cleaned off. The massager absolutely had to come out or his ass would be incredibly sore when he woke up. He wasn't used to having anything inside him anymore, and he was already feeling a little tenderness there as the aftershocks of his orgasm continued to pulse through his rectum.

He reached behind himself, grasped the outwardly curled handle and slowly began to withdraw the device. His slightly swollen flesh protested mildly as it was forced to expand to allow the larger body of it to pass through the sphincter. The bump in the middle made him pull in a sharp breath.

It was nearly through the tight hole when a voice behind him said, "Rodney?"

Startled, he let go of the handle. The weight of the plug made it slide back in through the willing orifice and into the still slick passage, and he clenched around it instinctively. The firm contraction drew it deep inside, stroking hard over his prostate, sending another orgasm ripping through his body, making him cry out wordlessly. His back arched, his fingers clawed the bedspread, his eyes rolled back in his head and every thought fled his mind. Exhausted, his body reached sensory overload and he fell into a soft, enveloping darkness.

To be continued...

Click on the link for the sequels, posted in the comments on my LJ:

a href="http://ellex42.livejournal.com/54455.html?thread=188087#t188087">Carson&Teyla

Aneros prostate massager

author: ellex42, challenge: exhaustion

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