Title: Sweat
Author: Abi
Rating: Adult Content
Challenge: Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll
Spoilers: Up to the Hive (mid season 2)
Summary: “We agreed that it would be best for all if we no longer relied upon the enzyme.”
Pairing: Teyla/Rodney/Ronon
Author's Notes: Thank you to my betas
lemonbella and
rosewildeirish and anyone I may have forgetten should shoot me.
Sweat )
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Objectively it is hot, though not one of my favorites since I don't like Junkie!Ronon.
But I also think that Rodney, he doesn't know because he really doesn't want to know. I think at some level he's okay with Ronon using him, because he's totally a junkie, too, and it's not like he's not getting something out of it, you know? He's smart enough to get it if he actually thought about it, and he thinks about everything, so he has to be actively *not* thinking about it. Of course I like him all fucked up, too. *cuddles him*
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