Wrong by skeddy_kat [This is Not Happening Challenge]

Apr 18, 2006 00:13

Title: Wrong
Author: skeddy_kat
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: John Sheppard thought nothing the Pegasus Galaxy threw his way could faze him. He was wrong.

“Colonel Sheppard, I need you in my office.”

“Elizabeth, is everything all right?”

“It’s…fine, just get up here now.”

He hurried, wondering what new disaster today brought. After two years here, he’d pretty much seen it all. Bizarre was considered commonplace.

The unfamiliar woman in Elizabeth’s office looked to be in her 50s. She was not unattractive, if a bit severe looking and carried herself with an air of authority. Her short steel gray hair curled just above the collar of her…flight suit?

“Hell no!” John thought. He could handle almost anything, but this was just plain wrong.

challenge: not happening, author: skeddy_kat

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