Title: Atlantis Waits Author: dzurlady Rating: G Spoilers: Rising, Before I Sleep Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis is not mine Summary: Extracts from the main status logs
flashfic?! where???? cause, okay, yeah, this rocked so~o much, and flashfic of this? EVEN BETTER!!!!! it was so interesting to read through the entries and match them up to what was happening, it really mkes me think. this in conjunction with 'before i sleep' is awesome. ^____^
Thank you! I'm pleased to hear you were trying to match it all up, because that was what I was aiming for but I was afraid I'd lose people along the way. :) It was great fun to write, too, even if the dates did my head in slightly until I got them all worked out.
Oh wow. I was surprised by how much this affected me. The sparse system reports evoked all the emotions I felt watching Before I Sleep (OMG TEN THOUSAND YEARS), and then hammered them home with the simplicity and repetition. Really interesting, thank you so much.
Thank you! I thought about cutting out some of the reports, to make it shorter, because I worried that I'd lose people along the way; but that was kinda the point - that there had been 10,000 of very little activity, and all of it routine. Altantis was just hanging around in limbo until the expedition arrived. :) I like the status report at the end as well, because we know that Elizabeth is still there, and the expedition won't discover her for several months yet.
Oh, good - I'm glad it worked for you. I wasn't sure that I would be able to communicate what I was getting at without confusing and/or boring people, so it's really nice to hear you say that.
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