Due to popular demand--and the fact that these challenge entries have tended to be plot heavy!--we are extending the Harlequin Challenge for an additional week. Stories will now be due on Saturday, September 17th at midnight eastern.
Also, a couple of clarifications: cracked Harlequin artwork? Totally acceptable as a challenge response: please post it! We want it! Is your story or artwork too long, big, or oddly formatted to be posted to LJ? Post a link here: we get exclusive access to that link while the challenge is on, and then you can post to your own LJ or sga_noticeboard afterwards. (We've given a couple of people amnesty on this for the sake of collecting all the responses.)
And for those of you who hate this challenge--and there are a few of you out there--we're sorry, bear with us! It'll all be over soon and we'll return you to your more normally cracked-out
sga_flashfic flashfiction.
Over and out--