The Sheriff and the Physicist by Sandy (Harlequin Challenge)

Sep 08, 2005 19:37

Title: The Sheriff and the Physicist
Author: Sandy
Word Count: 10,689
Rating: NC-17/Graphic Adult
Paring: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Summary: John Sheppard is a small town sheriff. Rodney McKay is a physicist who comes to town for peace and quiet while he finishes writing a book. It only took one look for John to know that this was the man he'd been looking for.
Beta: Jenra, with many thanks for a terrific job
Disclaimer: As much as I'd love to own Rodney McKay and John Sheppard as well as the rest of the Atlantis team, someone far richer that I owns them. I just like playing with them.


Sheriff John Sheppard lounged against the store's counter, one elbow resting casually on top of the cash register, his body curved in a loose, deliberately seductive pose, and flirted outrageously with the gas station/convenience store's young clerk. Katie Heightmeyer was a pretty little thing, with blonde hair and big blue eyes - John had a real soft spot for blue eyes - a full pouty mouth and tiny button nose. She also had a huge crush on John. He was aware that she mistakenly believed her youth was the reason the attractive, dark-haired, thirty-seven year old sheriff had never asked her out, but his reason was much more complicated than their fifteen year age difference. And it didn't stop him from teasing her until her face was pink with blushes.

The sound of the bell ringing shrilly from the force of the door being flung open snapped John's attention away from the girl, and he frowned slightly as a man close to his own age entered the store. The man was a couple inches shorter than John, of medium build with short brown hair, a sharp, ski-jump shaped nose, and a wide mouth with thin lips. He was dressed casually in tan Dockers, a dark blue button down shirt, brown shoes, and a light blue jacket. Sunglasses protected his eyes from the harsh glare of the late afternoon sun. The man glanced around the store and then, catching sight of John, stomped over to the counter, his attention firmly fixed on his quarry. His face was creased into what John guessed was a perpetual scowl, and John straightened up, putting on his best 'I'm here to serve the public' expression.

"Finally," the man snapped when he reached John, "a minion of the law. I was beginning to think that this area was completely devoid of anything resembling a constabulary."

"Nope," John smiled politely. "We have deputies and everything. Can I help you with something?"

"I certainly hope so," the man said impatiently, pulling a folded piece of paper from his jacket pocket. Opening it, he thrust it at John. "I'm looking for Pegasus Road. I've followed these directions precisely, but it appears that you people have stumbled upon a way to refract light rays so that road signs and landmarks are invisible to the naked eye."

John blinked at the man's hyperbole, glanced down at the directions written on the paper, and then handed them back. "Well, you're not going to find a road sign because the Markham boys knocked it down last month when they hit it with their dad's truck, and the county hasn't replaced it yet. The fruit stand burned down...when was that Katie, two years ago now?"

The girl nodded. "Two years this coming Halloween, Sheriff."

John nodded and continued, "And the water tower was taken down by the town council last spring after it got hit by lightening."

"Yes, well, while this is all very fascinating," the man said, irritation radiating from his body, "I'd really just like to get accurate directions so that I can reach my cabin before, oh, say, winter arrives and I'm stuck in this godforsaken backwater until the spring thaw."

"Well, I'm sure we wouldn't want that," John answered, his polite public face still in place even as he rested his hand casually on the butt of his gun.

The man stood quietly for a couple seconds and then snatched off his sunglasses and snapped, "Well? Are you going to give me directions or are you going to pull your gun out and shoot me?"

The pure cheek of the man began to amuse John and he grinned, pulling his own sunglasses off his face. The man's expression softened a little, and John saw him swallow as their eyes met. John couldn't help but note that the stranger had clear, crystal-blue eyes that glowed with intelligence framed by thick, dark lashes. He felt his own mouth water a little in response.

Gathering his wits together, he said, "Tell you what. I need to patrol around the summer cottages anyway, so how about I just lead you there. Which cottage are you looking for?"

The stranger licked his lips and said in a much calmer voice, "Uh, Thistledown. It belongs to a Dr. Carson Beckett."

"Yeah," John said as he led the way to the door. "I know Doc Beckett. How are he and Laura doing? We haven't seen them around here in a long while."

"Hence the directions containing landmarks that no longer exist," the man said dryly as they exited the store and walked to their cars. John grinned at the quip and the other man smiled back. "As for the Becketts, they are disgustingly domestic and breeding like flies. They currently have three children under the age of five with another one on the way."

John chuckled. "Who knew old Doc Beckett had it in him? The quiet ones will surprise you every time." His patrol car was parked near the store's front door and when he reached it, he slipped his sunglasses back on. "Just follow me," he said and climbed into the black and white SUV.

It only took a little over fifteen minutes to reach the cottage set about half a mile back from Pegasus Road. It was a small, one-story log cabin with a porch that ran the width of its front. Carson Beckett had built it with privacy in mind, so it was shielded from the road by trees and shrubs. The cabin and grounds were well-maintained, the Becketts having hired Pete Grodin to keep an eye on the property and repair any damage the winter and spring storms may have caused.

John stopped his car and got out, slipping his sunglasses off and tossing them onto the seat of the car. The stranger pulled his own black SUV to a stop beside him and got out, giving the cottage a careful perusal before nodding in apparent approval.

"Now that I've led you here, I think maybe I should ask for proof that you have permission to be here."


"You have a copy of a lease or something?"

"Oh for... I have a key to the door and Beckett's phone number programmed into my cell phone if you want to call him and check up on me. You can believe me, however, when I tell you that I would not have asked you for assistance if I were here for criminal purposes. That would be an incredibly stupid thing to do, and I assure you, I am as far from stupid as you will ever encounter in you lifetime."

John tilted his head a bit and looked at the man through narrowed eyes. "What's your name?"

The man sighed, turned, walked to the back of his vehicle, and opened the tailgate to begin removing his belongings. "My name is Dr. Rodney McKay," he finally answered.

John walked to where McKay was standing and pulled a couple of suitcases from the back of the SUV, placing them on the ground.

"You work with Beckett, then?" John asked reaching into the vehicle again which seemed to be crammed with everything McKay owned as well as several boxes of groceries. The man was in no danger of starving, John thought in amusement.

"No," McKay said, grunting as he pulled out a large, obviously heavy box packed with books. "Beckett's a medical doctor. I’m a physicist."

John whistled. "Don't think we get many physicists in these parts."

McKay picked up what looked to be a computer case and one of the lighter suitcases and headed for the cabin. "I'm sure you don't," he answered with a sniff. "I'm surprised you even know what a physicist is."

John shook his head and picked up the two larger suitcases and followed along behind. "You'd be surprised what all I know," he answered with a smirk. McKay just gave him a dismissive glance before opening the cabin door and walking inside.

The two men made quick work of hauling in McKay's belongings, and when John brought in the last heavy box of books, he put it down with a grunt and straightened up, rubbing his back.

"That's it," he said.

McKay had been busy setting up his computer equipment and looked up from the desk that sat in a corner of the large open room that served as living room, entertainment room, and office, and smiled a rather sweet smile at John. John felt his stomach flutter just a little at the sight of that smile.

"Thanks, Sheriff..."

"Sheppard. John Sheppard," John answered and smiled as he walked up to McKay and held out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. McKay."

McKay looked at the proffered hand for a second before taking it in his. He held it more than shook it, looking deeply into John's green eyes before his wide, sensuous mouth quirked up into a lopsided smile. "You're probably the only person I've ever met who's been in my company this long and yet still says that."

John grinned back at him, enjoying the warmth of the man's touch. "I don't doubt that," he snarked.

Rodney rolled his eyes and dropped Sheppard's hand. "Again, thanks for all your help, Sheriff. I don't want to keep you from your duties any longer."

John felt a wave of disappointment at the words, but knew the other man was right. Rodney needed to unpack his gear and get settled in and John needed to return to patrol. Not that anything really happened around here once the summer folks returned home. Still, he'd best get about his job.

"See you around, Dr. McKay," he said as he headed for the door. "Enjoy your stay."

He heard McKay mutter something, but he was already out the door, across the porch, and headed for his car. He took one long last look back at the cabin before climbing in and driving away.


He managed to stay away from the cabin and the man currently occupying it for two days, but on his day off, he mounted his Harley and headed out to Pegasus Road

He pulled up and killed the motor, removed his helmet, and grinned at the scowling man sitting on the front porch wearing khaki-colored shorts that displayed pale, hairy legs, a dark brown t-shirt and brown sandals. An open laptop computer sat on a small table in front of him.

"Hey," John said as he stepped up onto the porch and half-sat on the railing grasping it in his hands, leaning forward a bit, and crossing his feet at the ankles. He knew how he looked in this pose, and he was going to play it for all it was worth.

"Sheriff," Rodney answered with a nod. His eyes roamed appreciatively over John's lithe body taking in the snake-skin cowboy boots, snug blue jeans, and tight black t-shirt under an unfastened black leather jacket. "You undercover?"

Not yet, John thought hopefully.

"Day off," he answered. "Thought I'd stop by and see if you've gotten settled in okay."

Rodney eyes lifted from John's body and one eyebrow rose slightly. "Yes, all settled in, thank you. I finally have the chance to actually sit down and do some work." He glanced meaningfully at his computer.

"So, what exactly are you working on?"

"I'm writing a book on astrophysics, my specialty."

"Yeah? The Big Bang and quarks and wormholes like John Crichton shot through?"

"Yes, Sheriff," Rodney answered with a disgusted scowl on his face. "That's exactly right. In fact, watching that television program gave me all the information I needed for my chapter on wormhole theory. It saved me many tedious years of research."

John grinned good-naturedly. "I take it Farscape's wormhole wasn't exactly based on good science."

Rodney glared at him. "Only if you consider it good science to totally ignore the fact that even if it were possible to open a wormhole, you would first need a black hole and a white hole, which would be fine except that white holes cannot exist, since they violate the second law of thermodynamics," Rodney snapped. "The second law of thermodynamics is-"

"That, in a closed system, you can't finish any real physical process with as much useful energy as you had to start with," John finished.

Rodney blinked in surprise and said, "Uh, yes, that's precisely right." He stared at John appraisingly. "How did you know that?"

John smirked and said, "I went to college, Dr. McKay."

"Well, yes, but..."

"So, how long are you going to be with us while you write your book?" John interrupted, feeling a little smug that he'd been able to throw the physicist a curve ball.

Rodney scowled at the change of subject, but said, "A couple of months, less if I'm not bothered." He gave John a pointed stare.

John smiled easily. "You mean by such things as visitors dropping by unexpectedly?"

"Yes," he said curtly, making a show of straightening his notes and positioning his hands on the keyboard of his computer. "So, as much as I appreciate your concern for my well-being, Sheriff, I really do have a lot of work to do in a very short time."

John thought about leaving and allowing Rodney to get back to work, but if he was planning on only staying for two months, John wasn't going to let an opportunity to get to know him slip by. He wasn't sure what it was about the grouchy Dr. Rodney McKay that attracted him, he just knew he wanted him, and he had a suspicion that McKay wasn't exactly indifferent to him, either.

"The reason I came by is that I thought that maybe you'd like to take advantage of the nice day and take a tour of the area, get to know where everything is since you're going to be with us for a little while."

"Yes, well, as I said, I have a lot of work to do," he said, glancing back up at the Sheriff.

"Oh, come on, McKay," he wheedled. "One day isn't going to throw you off your timetable too much." He smiled his most charming smile. "I packed a lunch for us."

"Lunch?" Rodney asked interestedly. "What's in it? Nothing with citrus, I hope. I'm deathly allergic to citrus. One taste and I'm a dead man."

John frowned. "Well, I do have a couple cans of Sprite, but we can stop and get something else instead."

He stood up, stretching a bit and scratching casually at his flat belly, well aware that McKay's eyes were following his every movement. "So, how about it? You game?"

Rodney hesitated, swallowed, opened his month, closed it, frowned, then sighed and starting shutting off his computer. "I really should be working, not sightseeing," he complained, but he picked up his computer and headed for the door into the cabin. "I take it we're riding your motorcycle?"

"Is that a problem?"

"I prefer something that encases me in steel and allows me a modicum of safety; however, I have on occasion been known to ride a motorcycle." He smiled that lop-sided smile at John, the one that John had been seeing in his dreams for the past two nights. "Wait here," he said as he stepped through the screen door. "I'll change and be right with you."

John smiled and tilted his head back, closed his eyes, and allowed the soft, warm breeze to play across his skin. The first part of his plan was working perfectly. And if the rest of his plan worked out as well, he wouldn't be returning home that night.


For the next few hours, John rode Rodney all over the county, showing him views and vistas and places of historical significance, as well as where the local hospital was, the branch of the state university, the local public library, and where to shop for groceries and other necessities. Whenever he stopped the bike, he made sure that he found a way to touch or brush against the other man.

For his part, McKay had been by turns cranky, impressed, droll, sarcastic, amused, and whiny. The best reaction from him though, as far as John was concerned, was the way he tightened his arms around John's waist and babbled incoherently whenever John took a turn too tightly and too fast. John found himself driving just a little more recklessly than he normally would just so Rodney would press his body closer against him.

By the time he drove to the lake and unpacked the blanket and food he'd brought from the motorcycle's saddlebags, he was half hard and looking forward to the next part of his plan. The spot John had chosen for their picnic was well known to the locals as a trysting place. Secluded and blocked from prying eyes, it allowed John and Rodney complete privacy. Of course, Rodney had no clue as to its reputation. He sat on the blanket next to John eating sandwiches and admiring the view of the lake from the shelter of the tiny cove oblivious to the fact that John's hand itched to reach out and touch. In order to distract himself, John asked, "What made you decide to come to our little town to write your book?"

Rodney turned his attention back to him and shrugged. "I've been working on it for almost a year now, but I kept getting interrupted by..." He stopped abruptly. "I kept getting interrupted," he said, obviously censoring what he'd almost said. "I'd made a commitment to write the book, but I knew I was never going to finish unless I got away to someplace quiet and out of the way. Carson offered his cabin, so here I am."

"What happens after you finish it?"

Rodney's face went carefully blank, which intrigued John, and he just said, "I've been hired to work out of the country. I'm really not at liberty to discuss it."

John frowned, unhappy at this unexpected news. He'd hoped if things worked out between them he could talk Rodney into staying. John swallowed down his disappointment. He'd only known Rodney for a few days and yet deep inside, he felt that he'd finally met the person he'd been looking for his entire life. And now it looked like he wasn't going to be able to keep him.

They finished eating and packed away their refuse. The sky was ablaze with the red hues of a fiery sunset, and John was just thinking about making his move when a cool wind began to blow and Rodney shivered.


Rodney smiled apologetically, drawing his lightweight jacket a little closer around himself. "A little. I've noticed that once the sun begins to go down, it gets quite chilly here."

John nodded. "Yeah, you've come just as the weather is starting to change. Today was probably one of the last warm days we'll have this year." He hesitated, not really wanting the day to end, but not wanting Rodney to be uncomfortable either. "Do you want to go home now?"

"If you don't mind. I think the ride home on the back of your motorcycle will be too cold if we wait much longer."

John nodded again, disappointed but resigned, and stood. He folded up the blanket while Rodney made sure they didn't leave any trash behind. Returning to the bike, John stowed the blanket and trash in the saddlebags and handed Rodney his spare helmet.

It was full dark by the time they reached the cabin. Rodney was pressed as tightly against John's back as he could get and shivering with cold. John shut off the motor and waited until Rodney dismounted. He wasn't sure if he should follow Rodney into the cabin or just call it a night. While he sat in indecision, Rodney asked hesitantly, "Would you, uh, would you like to come in for some coffee?"

John smiled, removed his helmet and dismounted following Rodney up the steps and into the cabin.

They hung their jackets on the backs of a couple of kitchen chairs, and Rodney put the coffee on. He seemed to be paying a lot of attention to retrieving the coffee mugs and cream and sugar and avoiding looking at John, and John wondered which of them was more nervous. John usually didn't feel this awkward and unsure, but he didn't want to make a mistake. Not with Rodney.

At last the coffee was ready and Rodney poured two large steaming mugs of the fragrant brew.

"How do you take your coffee, Sheriff?" he asked.

"John," John answered.

"What?" Rodney asked in confusion.

John smiled. "My name is John. And sugar, no cream."

"Oh, yes, of course. John," Rodney replied. His eyes slid over John's face, and then he turned away, pouring sugar into one of the mugs. Once he'd stirred it, he handed the cup to John. John deliberately brushed his fingers over Rodney's and Rodney's head jerked up, his eyes meeting John's. His lips parted slightly and his breath sped up a little causing John's cock to twitch in response. Taking the mug, John raised it to his lips and took a small sip, his eyes never leaving Rodney's face. After several intense seconds, Rodney broke the gaze, reached for his own mug and took a sip, but his hand was trembling just a little, and he hurriedly set it back down on the counter and nervously ran his hands down over his jean-clad thighs.

"Do..." Rodney's voice squeaked a little and he cleared his throat. "Do you want to sit in the living room?"

"Sure," John said, but instead of walking out of the kitchen, he set his mug down, moved closer to the other man and captured his face gently in one hand, rubbing his thumb lightly over Rodney's cheekbone. John felt him shiver in response, and his eyes closed as he leaned into the touch.

"But first," John said softly, "I'd really like to kiss you."

Rodney's eyes opened and he looked searchingly into John's eyes. With a hint of breathlessness in his voice, he said, "Yes."

Rodney's eyes lowered to John's mouth and he licked his lips before he leaned forward just a bit and slid his mouth over John's in a light, glancing kiss. He pulled back and looked at John again, his eyes dark and his body taut. John moved even closer and lowered his mouth to press a deep, desperate kiss to the other man's mouth.

Rodney groaned, encircled John's waist with his arms and opened his mouth, inviting John in. John's left arm wrapped around Rodney's back and pulled him tightly against his body while his right hand cupped his head. He opened his own mouth and slipped his tongue over Rodney's, caressing it and drawing needy noises from Rodney that went straight to John's cock. When they broke apart for breath, Rodney looked up at him with passion-glazed eyes. Tightening his arms, he pulled John back to him and whispered, "Again."

John lowered his head, sliding his mouth across Rodney's, licking at him, nibbling, and pressing soft, light kisses to his lips, then covering Rodney's mouth with his own he plundered its hot depths. Rodney responded eagerly, and John could feel the other man's erection. John captured Rodney's buttocks, pulled him tightly against him, and began to rub their erections together. Rodney whimpered, and John pulled his mouth away, pressing kisses along his neck.

"I want you," he begged. "Please, I want you so much."

A ragged breath escaped from Rodney, and he turned his head to capture John's mouth for another deep, hot, wet kiss. When they broke apart this time, he grabbed John's hand and led him from the kitchen into his bedroom. He turned a bedside lamp on low and then turned back to John. They wrapped their arms around each other and fell onto each other's mouths, kissing, licking, nipping, sucking. John cupped the round globes of Rodney's ass and pulled him tightly against his groin.

Rodney moaned again and didn't resist when John pushed him toward the bed. When they reached it, Rodney fell backward pulling John with him. He spread his legs and John nestled between his thighs, his mouth never leaving Rodney's. John's hand slid down until it found the hem of Rodney's t-shirt and he slipped under it, at long last touching the hot, smooth skin underneath. Rodney arched his back, pressing into John's hand. John lifted away long enough to push the shirt up and over his head. Flinging the shirt away he sat up straddling Rodney's hips and ran his hands up Rodney's stomach to his shoulders and then down over the small, firm nipples. Rodney hissed in pleasure and John smiled as he lowered his head and took one tiny, hard nub between his teeth. Lashing his tongue over the tip, he wrapped his lips around it and sucked gently. Rodney began to whimper and thrust his hips up. Never had John had such a responsive lover, and his cock began to ache with the need to be touched.

John shifted his attention to the other nipple while he reached one hand down and worked at the button at Rodney's waistband. Getting it open, he pulled down the zipper and slid his hand inside, slipping past the waistband of Rodney's boxers and wrapping his hand around the thick hard cock. Rodney's fingers tightened in John's hair bringing tears to his eyes, but he ignored the pain and began working his mouth down Rodney's body, past his ribcage and across his belly.

"John," Rodney gasped, pulling at him. "John."

John lifted his head from where he'd been licking at Rodney's bellybutton, and looked into Rodney's passion-flushed face.

Rodney swallowed and said, "I just want you to know that I've been tested and I'm...okay."

John smiled and pressed another kiss into Rodney's belly. "Me, too," he said, and began to work Rodney's underwear and jeans down over his hips and down his legs. Rodney sighed and let his head drop back as he lifted his hips in aid of the removal of his clothing. When John had stripped him bare, he sat back and looked his fill at the man spread before him. He was more solidly built than John, with broad shoulders and thick, surprisingly muscular arms. His legs were long and firm. His belly was a little soft, but there was nothing soft about Rodney's cock. Stiff and thick, it seemed to beg for John to touch, to taste. He was uncut and John ran the tip of one finger over the foreskin causing Rodney to gasp and thrust his hips up in an effort to make more contact with John's hand.

John pulled the foreskin back and leaned forward to draw the sensitive tip into his mouth, lapping up the drop of pre-cum at the slit. He was rewarded with a deep groan from Rodney, so he took even more of the shaft into his mouth, drawing it in and sucking, running his tongue over the head and then pulling back while wrapping his lips tightly around the thick length. He looked up at Rodney's face and saw that he had his eyes closed and his head thrown back, fingers digging into the bedspread. It thrilled John that he was giving the man so much pleasure. He lowered his head again, taking even more of Rodney's cock into his mouth, sucking and moving his head up and down, fucking Rodney with his mouth while his hand gently cupped and squeezed his lover's balls.

He knew Rodney was getting close, so he released Rodney's penis just long enough to suck his finger into his mouth, getting it wet and slick. Taking Rodney back into his mouth, he slid his finger down from the base of Rodney's balls along the sensitive skin between scrotum and anus and then pushed just a bit into the tight opening.

That was all it took. With a cry, Rodney arched his back, pushing his cock almost into John's throat, and came. The pulsing spurts of semen filled John's mouth and he swallowed as quickly as he could, taking every drop and sucking until Rodney whimpered and pushed his head away from the too sensitive organ.

John pulled back, his erection so painful he had to reach up and undo his pants, freeing it. He began to stroke himself slowly as he looked at his blissed-out lover. Rodney was drawing in great gulps of air, and his eyes were closed, his body limp and obviously replete. At last his eyelids fluttered open and he looked up at John through glazed eyes.

"You still have your clothes on," he murmured.

John smiled. "I guess I should do something about that."

Rodney nodded and began to struggle to sit up, but John pushed him back. "Just relax," John said. Turning to sit on the edge of the bed, John removed his boots, then pulled his t-shirt over his head and stood up to slip out of his jeans and shorts.

He turned back to the bed and looked again at the wanton display Rodney made with his cock lying softly nestled within the dark curls of his pubic hair, his legs splayed open, and one arm flung across his stomach as he looked with appreciative eyes at John's naked form.

John leaned down and kissed him, and he felt a strong hand encase him. He moaned as Rodney began to slowly stroke him.

"What do you want me to do?" Rodney asked softly.

Drawing in a deep breath, he slipped his hand between Rodney's legs and pressed a finger against his tight hole. "I want you."

Rodney closed his eyes, pushed against John's finger and whispered, "God, yes."

John cupped Rodney's face with both hands and kissed him with tongue and teeth and passion.

"I'll make it good for you, Rodney," he promised when he pulled back.

"I know you will," Rodney said, but as John went to move back, he suddenly said, "Wait!"

John froze.

"I...I don't have anything," Rodney said. "I wasn't expecting to meet anyone I'd want to..." He made a helpless gesture with his hand.

John smiled and leaned forward to give him another quick kiss. "I have something," he confessed. "I kind of hoped we'd end up like this."

Rodney smiled at him as he moved back and off the bed. "I knew there was a reason I liked you besides your hair," he teased.

John laughed and leaned over for another quick kiss. As he left the room, he could feel Rodney's eyes on him, and he wasted no time in retrieving the lube and condoms from the pocket in his jacket. He returned to the bedroom to find Rodney slowly stroking himself, getting himself ready for John.

John's cock twitched at the sight and it was with shaking hands that he uncapped the lube and applied a bit to the tips of his fingers. Leaning forward, he began to kiss Rodney as he reached down between his legs. He ran the slick fingers over Rodney's perineum, pressing and stroking until Rodney moaned into his mouth. Pulling back, he squirted more lube onto one finger and then reached down until he was touching the tight hole. Watching Rodney's face, he slipped the finger inside, opening him up. Rodney was fully hard again and he gazed into John's eyes as he pressed down.

"More," he whispered.

John swallowed and pulled out his finger. Applying more lube, he pressed two fingers at Rodney's opening. Rodney bore down and John easily slipped in. He flexed his fingers until he found the prostate and then he stroked, listening to Rodney's groans until he thought he was going to die if he didn't get inside him. Rodney moaned in protest when John pulled out his fingers, but he sat up and took the condom that John had picked up out of his hand.

"Let me," he murmured. John knelt on the bed and watched as Rodney prepared the condom. Before he slipped it on, Rodney grasped John's cock and lowered his head. God, it felt good as Rodney's hot, wet mouth slid over his aching cock, but John was too hard, too close, and he pulled back.

"Rodney, I'll come," he warned breathlessly. Rodney smiled up at him, drew his head down for another kiss and then slipped the condom on John, rolling it slowly up John's shaft until it was firmly in place. Taking the tube of lube, he covered it in the slick ointment and then asked, "How do you want me?"

"I want to see your face," John said and Rodney gave him a quick kiss and lay back, opening his legs. The look of desire on his face almost made John lose control. He positioned himself between Rodney's thighs and pulled Rodney's legs up and over his shoulders, tilting his hips until he was perfectly positioned. Taking the lube, he squirted more around Rodney's hole.

"Tell me if I hurt you."

Rodney nodded and then gasped as John began to slowly insert himself. Rodney bore down and John slid past the tight ring of muscle. Stopping, he allowed Rodney to become used to him.

"Now," Rodney begged after he'd adjusted, and John pushed forward, slipping in a little more. When he was about halfway in, he stopped again to catch his breath, and then he pulled back. They both moaned at the sensation and then John pushed forward again, this time not stopping until he was all the way in. He rested again, and then, holding onto Rodney tightly, he began to move. He knew the exact moment he hit Rodney's prostate, and he made sure that he hit it with every stroke.

Rodney grasped his erection and began to pump in time with John's thrusts, and the sight nearly drove John right over the edge, but he was determined to hold out until Rodney had his second climax. Just when he thought he would break, Rodney cried out and stiffened. As Rodney's internal muscles clamped around John, he could wait no longer, and he began to pound into Rodney's hot, tight, body until he cried out as his own release tore through him.

When the waves of his own pleasure had subsided, he slumped over, his head hanging down and his chest heaving as he caught his breath. When he could at last move, he carefully withdrew from Rodney. Raising his head, he looked at his thoroughly debauched-looking lover and smiled.

"Jesus, that was good."

Rodney smiled back, looking smug and sated and relaxed and ran his hand up John's thigh. "Very good," he agreed.

John scooted back and allowed Rodney's legs to fall to either side of him, and then, holding onto his dick to keep the condom from slipping off, he made his way on wobbly legs to the bathroom. When he returned, he carried a warm, damp washcloth and a towel with him, and he began to wash the semen and lube from Rodney's body.

"You didn't have to..." Rodney began.

"I want to," John interrupted. When Rodney was clean again, John leaned forward and brushed a kiss across his lips before he returned to the bathroom to deposit the soiled linens.

Returning once more to the bedroom, he walked around to the empty side of the bed and began to pull down the covers.

"You're staying?" Rodney asked in obvious surprise.

"Well, yeah," John said, suddenly unsure. "Unless you don't want me to."

He grinned when in answer Rodney scrambled up to the head of the bed and pushed the covers down, slipped between the sheets, and pulled the covers aside on John's side of the bed in open invitation.

John slipped into the bed, took Rodney into his arms and kissed him. When the kiss ended, Rodney reached over to turn off the lamp. They snuggled together in the darkened room, and John said softly, "I'm glad you came here to finish your book, Dr. McKay."

Rodney chuckled, squirmed a little to get into a more comfortable position and said, "As am I, Sheriff Sheppard."

John sighed in contentment and allowed sleep to claim him.


John awakened the next morning at his usual time and lifted himself up on his elbow to watch Rodney sleeping. He was lying on his stomach with one arm hanging over the side of the bed. Soft snores escaped from the half-opened mouth and John suspected there was a little bit of drooling going on. He leaned down and kissed Rodney affectionately on his shoulder before slipping out of bed and heading for the bathroom. He quickly showered and shaved using Rodney's razor, and after a moment's hesitation, used Rodney's toothbrush as well. After all, he reasoned, he'd already had Rodney's tongue, cock, and come in his mouth. What harm could his toothbrush do?

When he was finished in the bathroom, he returned to the bedroom and dressed. When he was ready, he knelt down beside the bed and gave Rodney a little shake.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty," he said. "Wake up a minute."

Rodney's eyes flew open. "Huh?"

"Good morning," John smiled thumbing the drool from the corner of Rodney's mouth before leaning in to brush a kiss across his lips. "Sorry to wake you, but I have to leave, and I didn't want you to think I'd snuck out in the middle of the night."

"What time is it," Rodney asked glancing at the clock on the nightstand.

"Six-thirty," John answered. "I have to work today, but I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner tonight. Rosie's Steakhouse has the best steaks and fried potatoes in four counties."

Rodney yawned and pushed himself up into a sitting position, rubbing his face with his hands. "Dinner? Yeah, that sounds good. What time?"

"Around seven?" he asked. When Rodney nodded in agreement, he leaned forward and brushed another kiss to his lips. "I put the lube and condoms in the drawer there." He nodded toward the nightstand. "Maybe we can use them again tonight?" he asked hopefully.

Rodney grinned and said, "I'm sure we can find some use for them."

John grinned back, pressed one more kiss to Rodney's mouth and stood up. If he didn't get going he was going to crawl right back into that bed. "See you tonight," he told Rodney before turning and leaving the bedroom. He paused only long enough to grab up his jacket before he was outside, on his bike, and on his way home to change into his uniform.


He entered his office to see his young chief deputy, Aiden Ford, sitting at the front desk with his feet propped up, reading the morning paper. Coming around, he pushed Ford's feet off his desk and asked, "How'd it go last night?"

"Not bad," Ford said folding up the paper and standing up to allow his boss access to his chair. "The Kavanaghs got into it again, but I managed to calm them down before Liz brained him."

John shook his head. "I don't understand how he thought he was going to marry a strong-willed woman like Elizabeth Weir and then try and run roughshod over her."

"I don't understand why an obviously intelligent woman like Elizabeth Weir would marry a blow-hard like him."

"One of life's little mysteries," John said. Aiden nodded in agreement, and then yawned hugely.

"All the reports are on your desk. Bates has already gone home, and I'm going to take off now. I need to get a few hours sleep before I have to take Teyla to the doctor's office."

John nodded. "How's she doing?"

Aiden grinned proudly. "She and my son are doing fine."

"Good. Go ahead and take off."

Aiden waved goodbye and opened the door just as Deputy Stackhouse was reaching for the door knob from the outside. They made their greetings, and Aiden left.

"So how was your day off?" Stackhouse asked.

John smiled in remembrance and said, "Perfect."

"Yeah? Who was she?" he teased.

"No one you know," John answered casually, pulling the prior day's reports to him. Someday he was going to come out of the damned closet. But not today.

The two men settled into their daily routine, but it wasn't to last. Shortly before noon, John received a call that sent chills through his body. Three convicted killers had escaped from the Federal penitentiary in the neighboring state, and it was believed that they were headed John's way. He quickly mustered all his reserve deputies, called in his regular deputies, Ford, Bates, Lorne, and Reed, and joined the State Police and FBI in the manhunt.

For three days, John barely ate or slept as he and the other law enforcement personnel tracked down the three men who had already left two people dead when they'd stolen their car. When at last the men were recaptured late on the third day without further loss of life, John was too exhausted to feel anything but relief. He dismissed his men, made sure that the reserve deputies were handling the local patrol duties okay, and headed for home and bed.

He only got a little over six hours sleep before he had to get up for work the next morning. When he got into the office, he relieved the reservists on duty with his thanks, and spent a busy day catching up on paper work, giving interviews to the local media about his department's part in the manhunt, and trying to get back into his normal routine.

He was beyond relieved when Deputies Lorne and Reed reported for their shift that afternoon and he made his way home for a shower and shave before he headed off for Rodney's cabin. He'd wanted to stop by earlier, but he just couldn't manage to break away long enough. The worst part was that he'd forgotten to get Rodney's cell phone number and the land line was still disconnected. He'd had no way to contact Rodney when the whole mess went down. He smiled to himself just imagining the tongue-lashing he was probably going to receive from his lover for not getting in touch with him sooner and allowing him to worry. He had every intention of kissing Rodney senseless until he forgave him.

Getting into his pickup truck, he headed for Pegasus Road. He hoped that Rodney hadn't eaten dinner yet, because he could really use that steak dinner he'd promised him.

When he finally reached the cabin, he hopped out of his truck and took the steps two at a time. Opening the screen door, he gave a couple sharp raps on the solid oak door and reached for the handle. The door was locked.

Okay, he thought, that made sense. Rodney was a city boy, plus with all the coverage of the escaped convicts, he was probably a bit nervous out here by himself. John knocked again and shouted, "Hey, Rodney. It's me, John."

The door remained firmly closed and John didn't hear any noise inside the cabin that indicated that anyone was coming to open it. Lights were on and Rodney's SUV was parked beside the cabin, so John knew that Rodney had to be home. He began to become a little frightened when another minute passed without the sound of any movement inside.

Pounding on the door again, he shouted, "Rodney, open up! Are you okay?" He was just about ready to break the door down when it was flung open and an angry Rodney McKay glared out at him.

"Please stop banging at my door. I'm trying to work!"

John gaped at him, shocked at this unexpectedly harsh greeting. "Rodney? I...what's wrong?" he asked in confusion. This was far more anger than John had been expecting.

Rodney scowled and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at John. "What's wrong?" he mocked. "Why, nothing's wrong, Sheriff. Now please go away so I can get back to work."

"Rodney, I don't understand." John felt as if Rodney had just punched him in the gut.

"Well, let me explain then," Rodney practically shouted. "I don't generally have a problem with one-night stands, though I tend to avoid them. What I do have a problem with is someone making a date with me and then standing me up. If you didn't really want to go out with me, you could have been honest about it."

John stared at him in amazement. "Haven't you been watching television or listening to the radio?"

Rodney's scowl deepened. "No. I came here to work, not watch sitcoms or listen to the noise that passes for music these days. And what does that have to do with anything?"

"Rodney," John sighed. "I've been on a manhunt for the past three days trying to catch some escaped convicts. If you'd turned on the television to watch the news, you'd have known that."

Now it was Rodney's turn to gape. "Escaped convicts?" he squeaked. He glanced around behind John as if expecting the criminals to jump out of the bushes at him. "Did you get them?"

John nodded tiredly. "Yeah, last night. I'd have called you but I don't have your phone number."

Rodney looked back at John, and as if noticing his exhaustion for the first time, he said, "Jesus, you look beat. Come in." He backed away from the door, and John entered the warm comfort of the cabin. He felt hands on his shoulders and looked back to see Rodney pulling at his jacket. "Let me take this. Sit down. Can I get you a drink?"

John turned around after he'd let Rodney take his jacket and said, "Yeah, I'd like that."

Rodney led him to the sofa and said, "Come on, sit down. Let me get you that drink. What do you want?"

"Scotch and soda, if you have it," John answered as he sank into the soft cushions and rested his head on the back of the sofa closing his eyes tiredly.

Rodney nodded and went into the kitchen from where John could hear the sound of cabinet doors opening and ice clunking into glasses. A couple minutes later, Rodney walked back into the room carrying two glasses filled with an amber liquid. Handing one to John, he sat down next to him and took a sip of his own drink. Clearing his throat nervously, he looked into the contents of his glass instead of at John and said, "I'm sorry, John. For the way I acted just now. It's just..."

John remained silent, waiting for Rodney to continue. He'd been shocked and hurt by the way Rodney had greeted him, and he wasn't sure how to react. Maybe he'd been wrong about their connection. Maybe Rodney really wasn't the man he'd been waiting for.

Rodney lifted his eyes until he was looking into John's eyes. "It's just, I've never felt so...strongly...for someone so quickly. Or ever, really." He smiled shyly. "It's kind of thrown me off balance. And when you didn't show up like you said you were going to, and when I didn't hear from you, I just assumed..." He sighed. "I'm an idiot. Forgive me?"

John smiled, relief rushing through him. Rodney did care about him and he'd reacted as he had because he'd been hurt by what he'd thought was John's abandonment. Leaning forward, he cupped the back of Rodney's head and pulled him in for a kiss. Rodney pulled John to him as if he never planned to let go. They clung to each other, and John rested his head on Rodney's shoulder for a few minutes before lifting it again to claim another kiss.

"I'm pretty sure you can find a way to get me to forgive you," he said warmly when the kiss ended. "Just do me a favor next time and turn on the news if I stand you up for a date. I'm the sheriff here, Rodney, and sometimes I have to put my personal life on hold."

"Yes, I understand that now. I'm just not accustomed to being with someone who isn't in academia or research. It'll take a little getting used to."

They smiled at each other again, and then John downed his drink. "So, now that our first big misunderstanding is out of the way, how do you feel about that dinner I promised you?"

"Famished," Rodney said and finished his own drink.


By the time they'd finished eating, John could hardly keep his eyes open and he was grateful that Rodney had insisted upon driving to the restaurant. When they left, John stumbled a little from exhaustion and he leaned on Rodney as the man led him to his car. He drifted off on the drive back to the cabin and only came awake when Rodney shook him gently and said, "Come on, John. We're home."

John liked the sound of that, and he turned his head to give Rodney a blurry smile. Rodney smiled back, leaned over and brushed a kiss across his mouth and then exited the SUV to come over to open the passenger door and help John out of the car.

Once Rodney got the door unlocked and they'd stepped inside, Rodney took his jacket and tossed it over the back of a chair and led him into the bedroom. He gently pushed John down to sit on the side of the bed and knelt down to remove his boots. Still kneeling, he reached up to unbutton John's shirt and slip it from his shoulders. The t-shirt came next, and he paused long enough to press a kiss to John's collarbone. It didn't take much of a push for John to wind up on his back across the bed. With deft hands Rodney unbuttoned and unzipped John's jeans and tugged them down and off. When he was at last naked, Rodney pressed another gentle kiss to the juncture between John's hip and thigh and then stood to go over to John's side of the bed and pull down the covers. Returning to John, he tugged him into an upright position.

"Come on, sleepy head," he said affectionately. "Get in bed."

John slipped gratefully between the cool sheets and reached up for Rodney. Rodney captured his hands and said with a smile, "Not tonight, dear. You have a headache."

John chuckled sleepily, but allowed Rodney to pull the blankets up over him. He was already drifting off when he felt Rodney press a kiss to his forehead.


John awoke the next morning to a still dark room, and levered himself up on an elbow so he could see the clock on Rodney's nightstand. Five-thirty. He still had a half-hour before he had to get up. Rodney's warm, inert body was pressed against John's side, and John remembered the care that Rodney had shown him the night before. He hadn't had anyone take care of him in far too long, and it touched him deeply. Slipping a hand under the blankets, he slid it down Rodney's chest, over his belly and back up again until his palm found Rodney's nipple. Brushing it lightly with the tips of his fingers, John smiled as it immediately hardened. Even in sleep, Rodney's nipples were eager and responsive. John pinched it gently between thumb and forefinger and was rewarded by a moan from his lover. Rodney still slept, but John knew it wouldn't be for long.

Pushing the blanket down, he dipped his head until his lips found the hard nub. Taking it between his lips, he licked and sucked while he slid his hand down Rodney's side, across his hip and between his legs, capturing Rodney's rapidly thickening cock. Encircling the shaft with his hand, he began to pump as he moved his head over to capture the other nipple between his lips.

Rodney's hips began to move and his hands came up to caress John's head.

"John," Rodney moaned.

John raised his head and pressed his month to Rodney's eager lips.

"Want you," Rodney whispered when John broke the kiss, and John slid over Rodney's body until he could reach into the nightstand drawer and pull out the lube. Opening it, he squirted some into the palm of his hand. Reaching down to take hold of Rodney's cock again, he slid his slick hand along the turgid length.

Rodney groaned out, "God, yes. Feels so good," and thrust into John's hand. John leaned forward and kissed Rodney before removing his hand from Rodney's cock and squirting more lube into his palm. This time he coated his own cock, panting as he worked his shaft.

"Let me," Rodney said in a breathy, needy voice, and he felt Rodney's hand covering his own. They worked together for a few minutes, until John was close to coming. Capturing Rodney's hands, he stretched out on top of him, aligning their cocks. Holding Rodney's arms over his head, he began to rub their bodies together.

Rodney gasped in pleasure, wrapped his legs around John's and thrust his hips up to meet John's downstroke. He curled his fingers around John's and they gasped and moaned at the pleasurable friction. John's movements became more frantic as his climax neared, and he released Rodney's hands so that he could wrap his arms around Rodney's shoulders and apply more pressure to his thrusts. Rodney reached down and captured John's buttocks between his strong hands applying his own pressure. All too soon, John felt his climax nearing and with a loud cry he came, burying his head in Rodney's shoulder as the waves of pleasure tore through him. Only seconds later, Rodney's cry joined his.

They rested for a couple minutes until breath and heartbeats neared normal, and then John slid off, keeping his arm flung over Rodney's chest.

"If you wanted to wake me up like that every morning until the world ends," Rodney said with a contented sigh, "I wouldn't complain."

John kissed the lover he could now see in the pre-dawn light. "I'll see what I can do," he said through his smile.


The next two months went by much too quickly for John. They spent as much time together as they could, but between John's duties and the need for Rodney to work on his book, John felt that there just hadn't been enough. Of course, it hadn't all been puppies and lollipops. He and McKay had argued on more than one occasion - Rodney really wasn't always the easiest person to be around. But no matter how talented his mouth was at spitting out sarcasm and scorn, it was even more talented when applied during make-up sex. When John was lying boneless in a satiated haze, he almost considered the arguments worth it. It didn't surprise him when he'd realized that he'd fallen deeply in love with Rodney McKay; he'd suspected that was going to happen from the beginning. And now that the time was nearly here, the thought that Rodney would be leaving him soon, probably forever, tore at him. He'd tried to keep his feelings to himself, believing that if he never voiced the words, the hurt would be less when Rodney left, but as the time came closer to when Rodney would leave, their lovemaking took on a desperate, frantic quality.

Rodney managed to finish his book just in time to send it off to the publishers before he had to leave. He'd complained that it was all John's fault that he'd nearly missed his deadline. John had simply laughed and kissed away his complaints.

At last, their final night together arrived. John had taken the day off to help Rodney pack. When that task was completed they spent the remaining hours making love and holding each other. John stayed awake after Rodney had finally drifted off storing away sense memories of the feel and smell of the man he loved. When the alarm went off the next morning, John silently cursed it and the day it heralded. Rodney woke up and drew John to him. They loved one last time before Rodney got out of bed and began to prepare to leave.

It was snowing, and their feet crunched under them as they packed Rodney's car with his belongings. When it was done and the cabin was tightly secured, the two men stood together by the driver's side door of Rodney's car.

"You'll call?" John asked.

"As much as I can," Rodney answered. "I'm just not sure how often that will be."

John nodded and swallowed down the lump in his throat. "I'll..." He cleared his throat. "Be careful on the road," he said, changing what he'd been about to say. "It shouldn't be too bad, but it's best to use caution."

Rodney smiled a sad little smile and said, "I grew up in Canada, John. I know how to drive in the snow."

John lips quirked into a smile he didn't feel, and he pulled Rodney to him for one final kiss. When they parted, Rodney turned away and climbed into his car. John stepped back as the engine roared to life and Rodney pulled away. He stood there in the falling snow, waving as the vehicle disappeared down the lane.

The snow that melted on his face felt surprisingly like tears.


For the next two weeks, John got a call from Rodney every night. They talked about inconsequential things, the important things that John wanted to say too painful to voice. After two weeks, however, Rodney finally left the country, and their contact became sporadic. John was lucky to hear from his lover two or three times a month, and their conversations became stilted as Rodney seemed to have to carefully filter everything he said. As for John, he was sure the small-town gossip he imparted bored Rodney to tears.

They never talked of their feelings.

As time passed, John heard less and less from Rodney, and after about four months with no contact at all, John went into the city determined to get drunk, get laid, and forget about Rodney McKay. Instead he ended up going to the movies by himself, eating popcorn and watching a film about penguins. The film managed to distract him from his misery for a while, and when it was over, he strolled through the mall where the multiplex was located window shopping and people watching. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a stand of best sellers displayed at the front of the local Waldenbooks.

One book in particular caught his eye: Quarks and Quips, A Layman's Guide to the Universe by Dr. Rodney McKay.

John stood transfixed. Sonofabitch. John grinned as he picked up a copy and turned it over. There on the back of the dust cover was a photograph of a frowning McKay in all his cranky glory. It was just like Rodney to use this photo instead of one with a happy, shiny face, John thought affectionately. He felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of that beloved visage, and he ran his fingers over the photo as if he could feel warm flesh beneath them. His hands shook slightly as he opened the book and leafed through the contents. He froze when he came to the dedication page.

This book is dedicated to John Sheppard, without whom I would have finished sooner but enjoyed it less.

John felt a lump in his throat, and he took the book to the cashier. He'd planned on spending the night in the city, but instead he placed the book on the seat beside him and drove home. He sat up late into the night reading the entire thing, and when he was finished, he shook his head in amazement. Rodney had that rare facility of taking complex subjects and explaining them in a way that even the most science illiterate member of society could readily understand. He'd known of course that Rodney was a genius; it hadn't taken long for him to discover that fact. What he hadn't really grasped was that Rodney was a teacher, too.


A month passed and summer was on the wane once again. John was at his desk when the door to the sheriff's department opened, and a male voice said, "Excuse me, but I need directions. Could you help me?"

John's head whipped up from the report he'd been reading and he stared open-mouthed at the man who'd entered and was walking up to his desk. The man's mouth formed a crooked smile, and he said, "Hello, John."

John slowly stood up, not sure at first if his legs would even hold him, and said, "Rodney?"

"Glad to see you haven't forgotten my name," Rodney grinned. "How have you been?"

John stepped around his desk until he stood in front of the man he'd never expected to see again. He reached out a hand and cupped the side of Rodney's face. "Rodney?" he said again.

Rodney's eyes softened. "It's me, John."

With a choked laugh, John pulled Rodney to him, unconcerned that anyone could walk in off the street and catch him kissing another man. Rodney wrapped his arms around him and made happy moaning noises deep in his throat. When they broke apart, John said, "Why are you here? No, don't answer that, I don't care why. How long?"

"Would a year be too long?" Rodney asked smiling nervously.

John broke into a delighted smile and pulled him into another kiss. "Forever wouldn't be too long," he said when they drew apart.

Rodney laughed and said, "Well, we'll just have to see how the administration of the university feels about my teaching skills. But I can guarantee you a year at least. That is, if you still want me."

John cupped Rodney's face in his hands and said affectionately, "Idiot. And why wouldn't the administration want to keep you. I read your book, Rodney. You're a fantastic teacher."

Rodney smiled shyly. "I hope you don't mind the dedication. I know you prefer to remain closeted, so I tried to make it as ambiguous as possible."

"I liked it fine. I was really surprised when I saw the book at the bookstore. I wasn't even aware it was out yet, let alone that it was a best seller."

Rodney frowned. "What are you talking about? Didn't you get the advance copy I told my publisher to send you?"

John shook his head. "No." Then he smiled. "You wanted me to have an advance copy?"

"Of course I did!" Rodney snapped. "Just wait until I get ahold of..."

John headed off Rodney's tirade by the simple expedient of kissing him. When he knew he had Rodney's full attention, he drew back and said, "It's not important, Rodney. I have a copy of the book now, and I love the dedication."

Rodney harrumphed but then grinned and kissed him again before pulling back. "I'm moving back into Carson's cabin. Come by after you get off work and I'll tell you all about my exciting adventures overseas." He paused and then sighed. "Or rather, I won't tell you anything at all because I can't. I can't even tell you why I haven't called you for the past five months. I guess we'll just have to have sex instead."

"I can live with that," John said, a huge smile on his face. Rodney gave him one more kiss before he turned to walk toward the door. Stopping before he opened it, he turned back and said, "Oh, and by the way, don't bother stopping by the drug store. I bought in bulk."

John laughed as Rodney waggled his eyebrows at him suggestively. He walked over to the window and watched as Rodney climbed into his SUV and drove away. He wondered how Rodney would feel about moving into John's small house. It was time, John mused happily, that he came out of the closet.

The end

author: sp23, challenge: harlequin

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