(no subject)

Mar 13, 2005 08:30

Response to enclosed spaces. MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE SIEGE (I). I literally take off from a scene in that ep, so please don't read if you don't want to be spoiled. A Grodin-centric double-drabble.

AUTHOR: akire
CHARACTER: Peter Grodin
unbetaed - 200wds

“Okay, we’ll cloak, and come back for you after it’s done.”

I nod to myself. “After it’s done,” I agree, trying to match Dr McKay’s tone of confidence.

It’s a confidence I don’t feel. My grandfather was in the War, and he once told me that there are times when you can feel Death’s hand on your shoulder.

I can feel the bony fingers right now. And I know that this time they’re not letting go. I swallow convulsively as I climb back down, and force my mind to think of energy patterns, weapon configurations, anything to keep my mind off what’s coming. To stop myself from imagining that the walls of this tiny room are closing in on me, strangling the life out of me. But as I power down systems, my attention shifts again.

I always considered Atlantis too alien to ever be home. But as the Wraith ship move into range, the city is all I can think of. It seems unfair, that I might die out here, and not at my post where I belong, in the airy control room, next to my friends.

I never thought I’d seal myself in my coffin while still alive.

author: akire_yta, challenge: enclosed spaces

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