"A wee bit more than just a hologram" by scap3goat

Jun 20, 2005 19:41

Summary: Carson found himself someone to watch over him.
Rating: G
Notes: Carson-centric, not betaed, might be part of something larger some day.
AN: This was something I wrote some weeks ago during breakfast on a old piece of paper. Originally I wanted to do some better job on this challenge... including some *great* ideas on 'gate-travel-accidents.
Challenge: sga_flashfic ESP-Challenge

He could feel her embracing him, his mind, his body, could feel her wrapping herself around him to protect him from all the noise and vibration, the hate and anger.
And he could feel it all fading.
She said that it was okay now, that she'd watch over him in his sleep.
But Carson frowned.
"They don't intend to hurt us. If they do so it's on accident. The Ancients surely weren't much of a difference, were they? And you speak so fondly of them, with so much love!"

Atlantis agreed reluctantly. She knew all of her children, knew their flaws and like any 'mother' she wasn't too happy to admit that those flaws existed.

"Why can't you just hold same affection for them, you held for your first children? God knows that they try so hard to understand all of this. But we are also so young and most probably not even I will ever come to know you as good as the Ancients did. Please, just forgive us our clumsiness!"

She mentally gave a affectionate nod and sung her song for him until he was soundly asleep.

Over the eons she had come to understand feelings and came to being able to feel herself.
But even among the Ancients people like Carson, people who heard and understood her and even shared some kind of a mental connection with her, were scattered and few.
She would care for him and protect him.

challenge: esp, author: scap3goat

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