Yea, though I walk; by niqaeli

May 31, 2005 00:33

Title: Yea, though I walk
Author: niqaeli
Rating/Warnings: PG, adult themes.
Spoilers: Siege II.
Summary: Ford is not afraid.
Notes: Oh, dear god, finally. I was getting tired of starting flashfics that turned into sprawling epics. *headdesk*

Ford is not afraid.

He thinks he should be. He and Teyla have been basically taken and stored, like MREs, snacks for later. But he isn't afraid.

He remembers when SG-17 was captured by Camulus' Jaffa, remembers what it is like to have your knees knocked out from under you, made to kneel before your God. Remembers the deep voice that goes straight to your fear center, makes you tremble with equal measure of fright and anger, makes your CO snap back furiously. Remembers the sick feeling in his stomach when the eyes flashed gold, remembers the glowing pain and blurred vision, remembers the cold furious, you will SERVE ME, Tau'ri.

And that is why Ford is not afraid, even when the one with the blue dreadlocks comes, those sharp useless teeth gaping, and leads him away.

The Wraith only want to eat his soul.

The Goa'uld wanted to enslave it.

challenge: slave, author: niqaeli

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