
Dec 01, 2008 03:38

Category of the fics you'd beta: I prefer slash or gen, I'll do most categories, fluff, romance, non-con etc.

Category of the fics you won't beta: I prefer not to beta het or first person POV. I won't beta death-fics or Rodney-bashing fics. I'm not opposed to non-con, but I don't like full on rape. Having said that, I'm okay with it depending on plot, circumstances etc. No BDSM fics either.

Pairing of the fics you'd beta: I'm big on McShep, love Carson/Radek, but I'm open to most slash pairings, including femslash.

Pairing of the fics you won't beta: No OC-centric fics. I don't like pairing John and Rodney with anyone but each other, unless they end up together in the end.

If not pairing oriented, character fics you'd beta: I love Rodney-centric fics and I'm partial to Rodney-whump.

If not pairing oriented, character fics you won't beta: Dr. Keller-centric.

Type of beta you'd do: Whatever the author asks really. Grammar, spelling etc. If someone asks me for opinions on a particular piece, if it works, needs adding to, that kind of thing, I'll happily give that too.

Length of the fics you'd beta: Any length

manips and graphics, non-con, drama, h/c, au, slash, mpreg, action, whump, traditional art, crossover, smut, crack!fic, pwp, angst, fluff, femmeslash, humor

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