Rules & Guidelines - explained

Jan 31, 2008 18:21

Stargate Atlantis Art
Welcome to sga_art, the community for Stargate Atlantis art, whether they be fanart (digital or traditional media), fanvid, manips, etc. (Please note that we do not allow icons in this community, as there are communities for that, such as stargate_icons.)

This community was created as a place to gather the art in the SGA fandom. We have so many fic communities and a bunch of icon communities, but nothing for the rest of the art.

Rules & Guidelines
01. Do not make an introduction post. We will ban you if you do. It's our biggest pet peeve.
     This is not a maybe. This is a fact. summertea will personally ban you if you do something as dumb as this.

02. When posting, please post the original piece inside an lj-cut.
     This is non-negotiable. People read this community at work or may have slow internet. Practice common courtesy for your fellow readers, please.

03. If you decide to post a preview picture, please make sure it's less than 250x250px and worksafe.
     Let's keep this definition of worksafe simple: make sure it's rated G.

04. Do not make an off-topic post. All posts should be an art post. This is not the place to ask questions, post fic, or ask for betas.
     You can go to sga_beta to look for or volunteer as a fic beta or an art beta.

05. Posts should be in this format:
subject: [title] by [username]
Medium: drawing/video/manip/graphic/other
Character(s) and/or Pairing(s):
Spoilers, Notes, and/or Preview: (if they apply)
OR ( fake cut )Explanation of Medium:
· Drawing - hand drawn or painted pictures, digitally done or on traditional media or mixed media.
· Video - self explanatory, yes?
· Manip - graphics where the original bodies of the SGA cast are not used, such as putting their heads on different bodies and whatnot.
     Examples: [1] [2]
· Graphic - graphics based on screencaps, existing photos, etc that are altered with brushes, etc. but original bodies are unchanged.
     Examples: [1] [2]
· other - full LJ layouts, crafts, knitting, anything that doesn't belong in the above categories
06.For screenshot packs/zips/rars, please go to this post and comment. We will link to them in the post itself. Do not make new posts for screencaps.
     We don't want to clutter the comm and your friends page.

07. If you feel that you will post more than once a day, we would appreciate it if you combine the posts together. While this is not a true rule, the community watchers and admins would greatly appreciate it.
     Let us bring the common courtesy rule into light again. This is not your personal journal, this is a community. Please think of others!

08. On the other hand, do not use hard coded font tags, which means any inside your post. This is our 2nd biggest pet peeve. We will delete your post, and if you're lucky, you'll get a warning comment.
     summertea will gladly wave the Evil Delete Button for this crime.

09. Please try to tag your entries appropriately, based on artist, character and/or pairing, and rating. If you are an artist without a tag under "artist:", please use the "artist: +new artist" tag.
     If you need any help with tagging, please feel free to contact any of the moderators! :D
Please note that this community is open to all characters, pairings, and ratings for the Stargate Atlantis fandom. If you have any questions, please feel free to email any of the moderators.

PS, we're looking for a co-mod right now to help keep track of this comm. aesc and I are more organization & graphics people. We don't have quite the time on our hands to look after a community 100%.

&admin:rules, &admin