Title: And all was well
sephirothflame Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): TJ/Chloe, Eli, Scott, Rush, Young, Greer
Warning(s): People get sick, someone (not canon) dies.
Spoiler(s): None, really.
Prompt(s): Stargate Universe Fanfic Exchange, for livejournal's '
eternitywaits '. I honestly didn't know what to do, so it's a mixture of 1. it's all too much. 2. fear of drowning. 3. dreams and nightmares.
Word Count: Holy 4,005 Batman!
Rants: I actually lost this somewhere while I was writing it, so it didn't come out at all how I intended. Still haven't beta'd it properly. Will be done soon (I hope).
Disclaimer: Do not own Stargate Universe. Sorry.
“Would you guys work faster if I yelled at you?” TJ asked, her face serious but her eyes shining with silent laughter.