SGU Fic: Between Air and Darkness - Updated - Complete

Nov 07, 2009 17:26

Here is my answer to what happened between SGU Season 1 Ep 3 (Air) and 4 (Darkness).

Title: Between Air and Darkness
Author: Me - Violetvision78
Rating/Type: G/General - Humor
Characters: Most of them
Chapter: 1 and 2
Spoilers for Eps. 1-3

Author Note: This fic is after Destiny solves the Air problem, but before Darkness. The crew start a very important task...making fan music vids for us!

Chapter 1: Kino or Kinko

Chapter 2: Halloween Movie Night Party

Update: Complete! This also includes altered pics of the crew in a Star Wars poster, Dr. Rush as Snape from Harry Potter and Eli with Telford in a Planet of the Apes poster. All we need now is a Kino Death Star!

genre: humour, type: fic, characters: all, genre: gen, author: violetvision78

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