Title: Snapshots: Encounters of the Sandy Kind (1/4)
Fandom: Stargate
Rating: G
Genres: Fluffy, fluff, fluff (oh did I mention fluff?)
Summary: Sitting on a park bench Laura watched Nathan playing in the sandbox.
A/N: This is a response to
clwilson2006 's "Kid fic- Single Parents meeting for the first time" AU prompt over at the
major_explosion community. This is Lorne/Cadman, AU, kid!fic. Hope you like it
clwilson2006 . ;)
Oh and for the record- this is just the first chapter. There is more coming. I promise.
Also a huge thanks go out to the lovely
gelbes_gilatier for looking this over and also
pingulotta for helping me to name it.
Snapshots: Encounters of the Sandy Kind