Of Alien Ooze and SGC Real Estate (Janet/Daniel, and others) PG

Nov 04, 2008 22:14

Of Alien Ooze and SGC Real Estate…

Pairing: Janet/Daniel with a sprinkling of Janet/Jack and a wee Sam/Jack cherry on the top!
Rating: PG
Category: alternate universe, angst, episode tag, friendship, het.
Content Warnings: canon character death
Disclaimer: I don't own them, and I haven't made any money.
Spoilers: Heroes Parts 1 and 2

Author's Notes: Written for colej55 in the sg_rarepairings 2008 ficathon. Prompt: "Alternate ending to heroes". I blame havocthecat for this, by the way. But it's a good kind of blame!

Beta: Thank you to the wonderful kishawklin for her absolutely fabulous and speedy beta!!


Daniel Jackson learned a lot during his time on SG-1. He learned that the military never really trusted civilians but more so than aliens seeking asylum, like Teal'c. He found out that no matter where in the universe he travelled to, he still had allergies and that sunscreen was not all that effective on planets where there were 2 suns. And another thing? It didn't matter how many times he passed his firearms certificate, or how many times Colonel Jack O'Neill watched him load, reload and that damn pistol, he was always going to be the scientist, not the soldier.

If he had been a soldier perhaps things would have been different.

He had let his guard down, and the whole point of his being there was to guard her. She was a lifeline, was as vital as air or blood to the injured man. Her knowledge and expertise were the only things keeping the injured airman, Wells alive. Daniel had nearly killed two people with one mistake.

Nothing like killing two birds with one stone, he thinks sardonically.

He had heard the Jaffa approach but he was just half a second too slow. P-90 aimed in a split second, rounds slamming into the Jaffa's chest. Daniel doesn't remember thinking about it, just focussing on his target and letting rip. The bullets from his P-90 piercing through the Jaffa armour.

The only mistake he made was to pause, loosen his finger off the trigger as the Jaffa fell to his knees. A break in firing of less than a millisecond, Daniel's sure of it. This was all it took. A soldier wouldn't have made that mistake.

The jaffa squeezes off a round from his staff blast as he fell. Daniel felt the heat searing past him. He squeezed the trigger and fired off another round making sure there is no doubt the jaffa is dead.

The smell of burning flesh reached his nostrils. Bile rose in his throat when he caught sight of her, lying there, motionless. Janet.


Everyone seems to be getting in his way. First the Colonel who demands to know what the hell happened out there; then that damn camera crew who Daniel hadn't objected to that strongly up until now, and now? Now all he wants to do is deck Bregman.

He managed to escape the Colonel's clutches and made it to the infirmary. Sam is already there, her uniform still dirtied from the battle and her weapons still by her side.

"Did she regain consciousness?"

Sam shook her head. "Warner and Beckett are operating now."

Daniel takes a seat beside Sam in the infirmary.


He hates the infirmary. Okay there are bits of it he likes. He's quite fond of Janet's office (with the door locked and the blinds closed) and that particular storage cupboard two doors down from the main isolation room, But the rest of it freaks him out.

Whenever he's been inside these four walls, someone has been hurt. Sam had her body taken over by an alien entity, Teal'c lost his symbiote and Jack… well Jack had just about every torture imaginable happen to him during his spell as Ba'al's prisoner. The one person Daniel has never seen lying here, attached to IV's and monitoring equipment, is Janet.

Janet's the one who stands beside them and holds their hands and says all those reassuring things even when all hope is gone. Janet isn't the one who is lying in the hospital bed, against the stark white sheets with skin just as pale. Janet is not the fragile person who lies there with a heartbeat monitor beeping in the background and IV meds being released into her veins. It can't be.


After a couple of hours, he pulls up a chair beside her bed and settles in for the long haul. Daniel doesn't want to chance her waking up alone. He knows that the duty nurse will be checking on her periodically, monitoring her vitals and her IV, but he wants to be there. He takes one of her hands in his and as tiredness washes over him, he pulls himself closer to the bed and rests his forehead against her hand.


He thinks it's a dream when he lifts his head and sees her standing beside her bed. He squints, straightens his glasses and stares at her for a moment before realisation dawns on him. She has that bright glowy aura around her. Like Oma.


She smiles, her lips part as if she is going to say something but Daniel cuts her off. He doesn't want to believe what he sees, he knows it's real, he's done it himself.

"I'm dreaming because you are getting better. You can't be ascending." Daniel stares at the glowing aura around Janet's image, glances down at the bed her body absent from it. His heart aches when he realises it's true.

"I'm sorry, Daniel. I fought, but my body is too damaged. I won't survive if I stay."

Daniel closes his eyes, willing himself to wake up. When he opens them and finds Janet smiling at him, amused.

"I would expect, you of all people, to understand this."

"I thought I understood it, and look what happened! Why would you want to do this?" His indignation slips through.

"You'll understand it one day, Daniel." Janet reaches out a hand. He closes his eyes and expects to feel her skin against his. Instead the hair on the back of his neck rises as a cold sensation passes over him. "Goodbye, Daniel."


"C'mon Doc, there's no need for you to take more blood. Are you a vampire or something?"

Dr. Keller glares at him. "I'm ordering more tests, Colonel, like it or not. Don't move!" She slipped through the privacy curtain and he can hear her moving toward where the instruments of doom are stored. He sulks while he waits. He crosses his arms, despite the intense pain, and closes his eyes. This wasn't fair, if you ask him, which no one has. They'd just ordered him here, ignoring his protests. It isn't his fault the alien took a chunk out of his abdomen and spat green goo all over him. Hasn't he been tortured enough?

"Jack, you know pouting never was a good look for you."

The voice is eerily familiar. It can't be though, she's dead, this is no longer her infirmary and her replacement Dr. Keller hasn't returned to take his blood.

"Okay, now I know that alien ooze has done something to me. I'm hearing voices." Jack mutters, keeping his eyes firmly closed. Auditory hallucinations are one thing but he doesn't need visual hallucinations as well.

"So I'm nothing more than a hallucination?"

"I know I'm hallucinating because you're dead, Doc."


Jack's eyes fly open.

"Uh nothing, Doc I was just thinking."

"Right," Dr. Keller frowns as she set her tray down to begin preparing a blood draw.

"Really Doc, I don't need that." Jack protests as she tightens the tourniquet and cleans a patch of skin on his forearm.


"You know, it would be much quicker if you didn't create such a fuss."

Jack turns his head toward the voice. She is standing beside his bed, smiling at him. He isn’t sure what he is expecting but she looks just like she did before she ascended. Dressed slightly differently to her usual dress blues and lab coat, sporting dark slacks and a plain t-shirt but it is reassuring that the sweater Daniel wore during his time as an ascended being is not standard issue. If he though about it, though, Janet would probably look good in anything. His mind wanders to a recurring dream involving Janet, her lab coat and little else. He blinks, quickly trying to clear his thoughts.

"What the hell was in that ooze?"

"Nothing, Jack. You should know by now that ascended beings can choose to show themselves…"

"Yeah well, I thought that was just Daniel being awkward."

Janet hesitates. "How is he?"

Jack coughs and scrunches up his face as a wave of pain washes over him. "He pretends he's fine. He blames himself. I know these scientists are workaholics but he's working all hours, sleeps at his desk more often than his quarters… Hell, he didn't come to the wake and he's even shutting Cass out."

Janet closes her eyes. "He promised me that if anything ever happened…"

"Don't worry, Sam is looking after Cass. She's a strong kid."

Janet sighs in relief. "So what else do I need to know?"

Jack squinted. "You mean you haven't been floating around spying on us all?"

"No, of course not!" she protests.

"Doc, we were friends for what, seven years."

"Oh alright!" She threw her arms up in protest. "I may have checked in a few times."

The Colonel continues to stare.

"More than a few times..." Janet babbles "I mean I just wanted to see how Daniel was doing… and I was watching him one day when I noticed a particular storage closet on level 12 getting a lot of traffic for a storage closet so I checked it out…"

Jack's stomach flips.

"I never knew that Siler was quite that flexible!"

Jack breathes a sigh of relief and makes a note to talk to Sam about finding some new SGC real estate…

recipient: colej55, pairing: fraiser/jackson, 2008 ficathon, pairing: fraiser/o'neill, writer: meeshy, genre: het, series: sg1

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