Are you tired of hearing from me yet? God knows, I'm tired of hearing from me. ;)
We have sixteen authors who have yet to post. I'm starting to have the (maybe optimistic) hope that we're going to be able to release all the stories by the default deadline.
38 / 54
Now, that's 38 out of 54 authors who've got at least one story. We have, however, 42 completed stories. *squees quietly*
If you're going to default, please let us know ASAP. The sooner we get defaults taken care of, the sooner everyone gets their stories. Also, I get to read everything sooner that way. The titles and pairings alone are making me (metaphorically) salivate.
Even if you think you might not get your story in on time, we'd prefer to know. If you let us know you might default, but end up posting your story, then you won't be counted as a defaulter. Let us know if you're a maybe or a definite, though.