Title: Inflorescence
Pairing: Teyla/Sora
Spoilers: Written with knowledge up to 403, but nothing specific.
Word Count: ~ 6500.
Written For:
bluflamingoPrompt: Pre-Atlantis, Pegasus outlook on life, flowers.
Author's Notes: Thanks to anamart for the beta.
Summary: I have known you for most of your life.
Inflorescence--a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that can have only one main branch )
Comments 6
It was great to see the hints of the Genii being more than Teyla realises they are at this point, how clear they are to us because we know, but how much sense they still make to Teyla in the context of what she knows when she hears them, if that makes sense.
The ending was lovely as well; I like that their cultures, despite being similar and closely allied, have this difference that makes things between them impossible, and that Teyla sticks to her convictions despite wanting something - that seems very like Teyla to me.
Thank you again for writing this for me, I really love it.
Your world building here is exquisite.
Lovely, lovely character piece for both of them.
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