Title: Streetlights Deliriously Flicker
voleuseRating: R
Pairing: Rodney/Ronon
Spoilers: Set between 2.10 and 2.11
Word Count: 1092
Written For:
sori1773Prompt: first-time, smut, happy ending
Summary: The climaxes of suffering are complex, costly, beautiful, but secret.
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Comments 3
Er, yes. Hot. Love "Then Ronon stopped, and Rodney yelped, "Oh, come on!"" - smug and impatient Rodney and bored!Ronon and your Rodney voice!
*composes self*
It started on what Rodney believed was a Tuesday afternoon, because during his off-time he decided to rework the Atlantean calendar to account for the infinitesimal temporal shift he experienced every time he passed through a wormhole.
Hee! About right there, I was dying in laughter b/c that is so perfectly Rodney. And the smut? Oh, oh, OH. Very hot and wonderful and awesome and still so distractedly Rodney. :D
Loved this! Thank you SO much for the awesome fic! (And the last line? Rocks. Smug! :DD)
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