Title: Naming the Stars
seren_ccdFandom: Stargate: Atlantis/Torchwood
Rating: T
Spoilers: Both seasons of Torchwood and at least Season Four and the very beginning of Season Five of Stargate: Atlantis. Mr. Woolsey is in charge and Teyla had her baby.
Pairing: pre-ship Ronon/Keller, Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: Neither fandom belongs to me. The title and excerpts are taken from the poem
Naming the Stars by Joyce Sutphen. Check her out!
Summary: He took his eyes off of her and thumbed the clasp and then opened the box. He froze. Every single muscle in his body just stopped moving.
Huge A/N under the cut after the chapter on my Livejournal! Thank you to everyone who has reviewed!
Chapter Two at my LiveJournal