Dec 29, 2016 22:47
This doesn't happen very often, but had a dream this morning before waking up where I was crying and then woke up actually crying. It's such a strange experience. It's like I'm sobbing when I wake up, but after a little while I can get control of myself and just turn it off. It's like I haven't even been crying. There's none of that gasping hard to catch by breath when I stop. It's also so disconcerting because I feel like I'm sobbing for no reason.
I almost never remember my dreams, but I did remember some of this one. I was back at my High school (haven't been there for twenty years) right next to the lunch room and I was being kept from going to lunch by something or someone I couldn't identify. And then I started crying and sobbing even. Next thing I know I am awake crying. All very disorienting as well.