I am not too happy the way they're laying it on so thick between Castle and Beckett all of a sudden. If they go too far too soon they'll just pull back because they don't want them in a relationship, but then they run the risk of it looking rather pathetic with the extreme back and forth. Personally I don't agree with the idea that once two characters are in a relationship it's no longer interesting but that's just me. Not that I think they're ready for that but it would be nice to see them together for longer than the last fifteen minutes of the last episode of the series.
I need to rewatch this episode because I was busy making dinner, as seems usual, while it was on. But I liked the last scene between Tony and Gibbs.
:'( The end made me cry. I can't remember the last time I cried watching something on TV. I kinda knew Dom wasn't going to make it but they really teased us showing him almost making it. There was a brief moment I really thought he was going to survive but I was pretty much aware of the fact this would be the last we saw of Dom.
Peter Gabriel's 'I Grieve' was playing during the scene and that song gets me everytime. Of course the time of the month wasn't helping either. ;)