Coming soon: SG-1 Gen Fic Day on October 27th!

Oct 19, 2008 15:57

In a few hours, I'll be going offline again until Thursday. So I'm just posting a quick reminder that a week from tomorrow, on October 27th, we will be celebrating SG-1 Gen Fic Day.

On October 27th, the official Gen Fic Day post will go up, and everyone (and their robot doubles) are welcome to post commentfic and recs as well as links to new gen fic, old gen fic, WIPs, podfic, and anything else that might fit. As long as it's SG-1 and gen, it's welcome!

In addition, the 26 contributors to Jack Alpha-Bits will link to their Alphabet Soup ficlets at the Gen Fic Day post.

A round-up post for Gen Fic Day and an anthology post for Jack Alpha-Bits will go up on the 28th.

Here's to gen fic and SG-1 squee!

I've disabled comments to this post, since I won't be around to read them anyway. :) Jack Alpha-Bits contributors with questions can comment at the claims post.

gen fic day

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