September: Recs, Fics, Fandom

Sep 25, 2008 23:04

Here's the September roundup for the Realm of Ship-Free Stargate!

This month, I recced two categories over at stargateficrec: Episode Related and Samantha Carter.The links below actually lead to the recommendations at the rec archive at figs_sg1_rec, but they were all posted first at stargateficrec, which is a marvelous resource and deserves everyone's participation and support.

The master list of fic recs has now been split in two because of LJ posting constraints: fics titled A-M here and fics titled N-Z here. The master list is current through August. If you want to search by character or genre, try figs_sg1_rec.

Sam recs

Clip Show, by Kalquessa G)

Five nightmares/memories Sam still experiences with PTSD-like intensity, by Julie (PG-13)

Interplanetary Feminism, by Annerb PG)

All in a Day's Work, by Lyssie (R)

With Great Power, by Amilyn (PG)

Previous Sam recs, which were never actually collated:

A Dangerous Business, by Tarimanveri (PG)

It's the Little Things, by Julie Fortune (PG-13/R)

Teamwork, by Courser (PG-13)

Chance, by Mitai (PG-13)

Five Resolutions That Sam Carter Broke, by Julie (PG)

West, by Minnow (PG)

Travelers Return, by Redbyrd (PG)

Proportional Hazards, by Eve (G)

I also recommend checking the tags for "friendship: sam and..." at the rec archive. Trust me: there are lots. :)

Episode related

Castling on the Sand, by Random (G)

N is for Naquadah, by Annienau (PG)

Work and Days of Hands, by Laura Maxwell (G)

The Things We Have in Common, by Strix varia (G)

Scenes From a Blending, by Astrogirl (PG)

I've recced this category many times before: here, here, here, and here.

::insert monthly urging to everyone to go sign up to rec at stargateficrec here::

Then there's all the fic I ended up writing, which surprised me. :) I should warn the newcomers (hi, guys! pull up your keyboard, look around, make yourselves at home) that I'm not usually this productive... All team, all humor, all affectionate.

Respect for Ritual, in which half the team gets drunk (again) and Teal'c shows Sam his wicked streak.

Famed in Song and Story (The Forbidden Fruit Remix), in which an offworld incident catches up with Jack and Daniel has a little too much fun laughing at him.

Just a Little Trouble, in which I celebrate Aurora's birthday (a little early) and Daniel and Bill Lee cope with a very small problem (without pie).

In the general fandom arena, there's the galpalficathon prompts going live, the Fall Fandom Free For All, and Jack Alpha-Bits signups. And speaking of Jack Alpha-Bits - there are still five letters left to claim. I'll still be online for the next several hours, and I would be really happy if those last five letters got claimed before that! But if not... well, I'll be back online (sporadically, anyway) around October 13th. If someone wanders past and claims a prompt, it's theirs, even if I don't get a chance to respond until long after the fact.

That about covers it, I think. It's certainly long-winded enough. :)

sg-1 fic recs, monthly review, stargate sg-1 fandom, my sg-1 fic

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