July recs: General Hammond, Sam and Teal'c friendship, and teamy goodness

Jul 31, 2008 18:48

Whew! Now I know why I stopped trying to do three categories a month - it's hard!

I'd originally planned to rec only Teamy Goodness and Sam and Teal'c friendship in July. But when I heard the news about Don S. Davis in the last days of June, I felt it would be only fitting to rec a month's worth of stories about General Hammond, too. So three categories instead of two, and I'm very glad I managed it!

The links below actually lead to the recommendations at the rec archive at figs_sg1_rec, but they were all posted first at stargateficrec, which is a marvelous resource and deserves everyone's participation and support.

The master list of fic recs has now been split in two because of LJ posting constraints: fics titled A-M  here and fics titled N-Z here. It is amazingly current, a state of affairs I do not expect to last. :) If you want to search by character or genre, try figs_sg1_rec.

General Hammond recs

Taking Command, by Soapbox Solo (G)

F is for Faith, by Beanpot (G)

But Who's Counting?, by Denise (PG)

Untitled ficlet, by Julie (G)

Five Hundred Thirty-nine Fifty, by Badgergater (G)

Previous General Hammond recs:

Moments to Remember, by Pho (PG). Two widowers take a moment to remember those they've lost.

1969 Prime, by Redbyrd (PG). Fantastic Hammond POV of his meeting with SG-1, and the three decades in-between.

Command Decisions, by Cannon (PG). In The First Commandment, long minutes went by, without a GDO signal, before something thumped against the iris. What was it like for Hammond?

Generally Speaking, by Wonderland (PG-13). Hammond has to juggle the different types under his command - civilians, Marines, and SG-1.

Present Tense, by Debby (PG). Hammond's thoughts in 1999, the night before he knows he's going to send SG-1 back thirty years.

Changing the Guard, by Aelfgyfu (PG). Two generals talk, and Jack gets to hear some painful truths.

Two, by Carin (G). A marvelous tribute to the man within the uniform.

The Day After, by Wendy (G). Absolute crackfic, as Hammond takes the team - and various allies - to task for their misbehavior.

Penmanship, by Salieri (G). A beautiful, evocative character piece, with Hammond and Teal'c in early S1.

Sam and Teal'c friendship recs

Equality, by Meg (PG)

The Weight of Non-Existent Years, by Beatrice Otter (G)

As Canon Sees It, by Tarimanveri (G)

Z is for Zat'(some'thing), by Suzanne (G)

Target Practice, by Aurora Novarum (G)

Previous Sam and Teal'c friendship recs can be found here.

Teamy goodness recs

Girls (and Jaffa) Do Not Fight Fair, by Kalquessa (G)

Little Yellow Touchstones, by Maychorian (G)

Armchair, by Magistrate (PG)

The Burden of Command, by Abyssis (G)

Stories of Gods and Heroes, by Bratfarrar (G)

Previous months of teamy goodness can be found here. Ooh, look, and here! And here. And another month's worth here. And let's not forget this one, and this one, too...

Anyone surprised by this? :)

Tonight, medie and angelsgracie go through the sign-up posts to see who's volunteered to rec which category next month. Why don't you go sign up and help spread the squee? You need only rec four fics over the course of the month - check out the FAQ for more details, or ask the helpful mods.

I can only sign up for one category this coming month, as it's going to be very busy and I'll be without internet access for a week's time. So c'mon, folks! Take up some of the slack! Because even if it's vacation time, there's always room for SG-1 fic. :)

sg-1 fic recs

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