Tomorrow: SG-1 Gen Fic Day!

Jul 07, 2008 10:17

Gen Fic Day is tomorrow! We'll celebrate Daniel Jackson's 43rd birthday with lots of fic and gen squee!

The official post goes up Tuesday morning (my time). Comment there with drabbles, links to new fic, recs for old fic, meta, squee - anything, as long as it's gen and SG-1.

If you're contributing via Teal'c Alphabet Soup, please remember not to post your Teal'c fic anywhere online until tomorrow! You can either paste it directly into the comments or, if it's too long, comment with the first few paras and link to the rest on your own LJ. (Not off LJ, please!) Remember: 100 word minimum (no maximum - my own, pre-beta, is 1,900 words), a defining aspect or facet of Teal'c, canonical, and gen.

I am sooooooo excited! Gen fic! Teal'c fic! Wheeeeeeee! :)

alphabet soup, gen fic day

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