2017 Recap

Jan 01, 2018 13:12

New calendar year upon us...

2017 was a very busy RL year for me - mostly for family reasons and mostly for good ones at that, but crazy busy. So here are my fannish accomplishments of the last 12 months:

In reccing, I only managed 23 recs this year, for a total of 1,067 gen recs in the eleven years I've been doing this. You can find them on the first page of figs_sg1_rec. This is partially because of a preoccupation with moving stargateficrec from LJ to DW - a move that I personally regretted (I started SG-1 fandom on LJ, and I'm reluctant to leave it) but accepted as necessary. I hope that all those people who said that they would volunteer to rec on DW actualy do so. (Thanks, PoG!) stargateficrec's fannish history is much longer than my own, and I'd hate to see it dwindle away. If you want to contribute, signups for January are still open, hint hint.

LJ is really dwindling, though. I am only still there to maintain my LJ rec archive and update the LJ version of stargateficrec. Everyone I used to follow there is on DW too.

Speaking of moving places...

I finally got an account at AO3. One of the nicest aspects, I've found, is being able to subscribe to authors I like. I am very monofannish when it comes to writing, but not at all when it comes to reading! So I like getting those e-mails to update me on new fics from authors I trust.

Also, the pattern of hits and kudos is both charming and amusing. Some stories that were hugely popular when first posted barely get read, but a bit of fluff that got little attention when first posted has more kudos than anything else. I'm not sure if it's the nature of the archive, the nature of the current readers, someone reccing something somewhere, or an alternate reality. Who knows? :)

So far, I've uploaded 95 fics, which brings me uip to May 2011. I'm not that far from the stage where my writing output dropped pretty drastically, so it shouldn't take me much longer. Unless, of course, I continue writing... :) Which leads us to:

In writing, I finally got to write longer fic again! Much yay for stargate_summer. This year's premise was fic-inspired-by-art and thanks to my great fondness for original art, I automatically glomped Roeskva's gorgeous pic and ended up writing a Sherlock Holmes ripoff pastiche: All Those Who Desire It. No real action, but teamy goodness through the Stargate and friendship and puzzles and scientific achievement and ambition, which I'm happy to say came out pretty nicely. :)

Other than that, I wrote fic for Quantum Mirror Alphabet Soup, which is sadly still in a state of flux with five letters missing. Perhaps it's the name. Or maybe the fandom really can't support a mini-ficathon like that anymore, which would genuinely sadden me. My two contributions were:

C is for Consequence. An alternate perspective on certain scenes from TBFTGOG: Teal'c cares more about his reality than any other. 1,600 words. PG for canonical AU character deaths.

N is for Not Quite. Sam and Daniel and an alternate POV of an alternate reality. Canon, more or less, from POV. ~840 words.

What's up for the coming calendar year? More writing, I hope. More reccing. More Soup (if the current one ever gets completed), and possibly another run of the Friendship Ficathon. READ THE QUANTUM SOUP FIC ALREADY. :) In any case, I'm glad to be here!

year in review

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